Hey guys,
2 blogs in 1 week...arent you lucky!!!!
We are leaving the States 2mrw, so we thought we'd give you a final update....
.....havnt done that much in LA so far, but we are doing an LA city tour tomorrow, so we will see all the sights then.
today we went to Venice beach with a group of people from the hostel, the weather was crap yet we still managed to burn, despite complete cloud coverage and factor 30 head to toe!!!! still we made the most of it, Karen learnt to boogie board ( the sea was bloody freezing!!!!), jess wasnt feeling like making friends with the fish and stayed on dry land. We saw a pod of dolphins, which swam past, unbelievably close to the shore line. We then walked down to Muscle Beach, and attemped to work out, but were put to shame in our rope climbing skillls by a 7 year old girl, so decided to check out the stalls lining the sea front instead, very cute and full of crazy people, so we decided both to get tattoos..........
...........await photos!
We forgot to mentiom that on saturday, we also went to our second museum, (the 1st being the international spy museum!) it was called ' Psychiatry, The Industry of Death' !!!! ...alll we can say is, it was free admission and the weather was crap and Karen didnt think itd be that bad.....IT WAS!!!! we have never laft a museum more depressed, speachless and wanting to cry, it was the most horrendous experience EVER!!!!!
so on a happier note, last night we got guest list entry for a Hollywood club called The Highland, and had a really good night of dancing.
Like we said, we a re leaving the USA tomorrow, cant believe 6 weeks have flown by, and are actualy really sad to be leaving. We've had a an absolute ball so we thought we'd leave you with our top 5 moments (obviously you now know our worst!)
1.Phantom of The Opera at The Venetian in Vegas
2.Day out in Nashville, cycling, flipcup and the odd beverage
3.Hanging out with Kev and the boys in Houston ( Boys we hope Ike didnt get you )
4.Cycling the Golden Gate Bridge
5. Seeing the Grand Canyon....spectacular!
thats it from the USA, not sure we will have internet in Fiji, but we can already be telling you what we will be doing;
Beach, Beer, Beach, Beer, Beach, Beer.........
hope your all having fun at work, hope the weather isnt too bad!
we love you all really
ps; MOMS! the tattoos are henna and will be gone in 2-3 weeks!!!!
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