G'day all!
We were at Surfer's Paradise on Sunday there which is on the Gold Coast. It has a huge beach, it took us about an hour to walk about a quarter of it! and it has loads of malls, shops, restaurants etc We had a great day, stuffed our faces as usual! The only bad thing was that the kids here that finished high school did so on friday and every year 30,000 of them take over the place for a week. So it was very busy and loud and there was a lot of drunk 17 year olds. We couldnt believe they make such a big deal about finishing high school, you would honestly think that every one of them had won the lottery! they havent got a clue!
In other news...we managed to get ourselves a new job last week but its only temporary until next week so we will be back on the hunt again soon. Jessica does have an interview today though so fingers crossed for her! The job just now is doing government surveys from 3-8 every night. Its very boring and repetitive but its $22 an hour and its not so bad when you know it will only be for a few weeks.
Anyway, weve put some photos up of our trip to Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary from a while ago. Hope you enjoy!
Hope everyone is well, speak to you all soon.
Love J and J x
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