Hello everyone! Sorry it has taken us so long to get in touch and put up some photos but we have got ourselves a laptop now so things should be updated much more regularly from now on! we have added more photos from Singapore, hope you enjoy them! there are still some more from Singapore and then there will be ones from Sydney. we have managed to get ourselves an amazing apartment and it is only 180 pounds a month each so we are pretty chuffed. the address is 19 stephens road, south brisbane if you want to check it out on google earth or whatever! Jessica has managed to get herself a job in sports marketing this week so she is pretty happy about that! its commision based but she sees it as a good challenge. I have a practical interview for football coaching with young kids on monday or tuesday and also have an interview for a sports marketing company on monday morning so im hoping those go well.
We hope everyone is well and that you enjoy checking out our photos and stuff. As i said it will be alot easier to keep in touch from now on so we will look forward to speaking to you all soon! we havent seen or done too much in Brisbane so far because we have been putting all our time into flat and job searching but now that things are going our way we can start to chill out, maybe starting with the beach tomorrow......
Take care all and keep in touch!
Love Jordan and Jessica
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