After a 22 hour flight, consisting of a broken entertainment system, and James getting lost in a foriegn country (even though they spoke English) we finally reuntied in London after another period of 2 months long distance.
Arriving at 6:30am in the morning and with check in at the hotel not available, we decided to drop our bags at our hotel in Kings Cross and head into Camden Markets for some shopping. James was amazed by the shopping, and i could start to see this probably wasn't the greatest place to start our first day. After some much needed McDonalds and finally a shower we headed to Oxford Street for some hard earned retail therapy. After 5 hours of exploring 3 story stores and with arms full of bags we headed home for some rest.
The following day consisted of sightseeing such as Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Portobello Markets, London Eye, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey and Tower Bridge. To finish off our fantastic day we went to Jamie Olivers restuarant at Covent Garden where we both had some amazing Spagetti!
Our final day in London we headed to Chelsea Football Stadium where James quoted he was like " a kid in a candy shop" (loser!). Although it even was a good experience for myself where we got to go behind the scenes and into the changerooms and run through the tunnel the players do! For dinner we met up with a few Australian friends at Picadilly Circus where we had some much needed FAT steaks with drinks and laughs with friends.
Overall the trip was fun. Although i had already been to London it was good to shop (as it is amazing!) and i think James enjoyed being surrounded by English.
Now it is less than one week till we leave for our Paris trip. It has been interesting trying to entertain ourselves without spending any money - it has consisted of Amazing Race & Man Vs. Wild marathons, lots of cleaning, boxing training sessions and even James giving me hockey training sessions-- what has the world come to? James has even has quoted he feels he is "wasting his life" LOL.
- comments
James Piper haha wasting my life... never thought chilling was so boring!!!
Kellie Shea Hey Jess and James what a great idea, i love hearing about your adventures and seeing all of your photos. Sounds like you have been having fun. Love mum xxx
NANA hey jess as always you have done an amazing job with this blog what an adventure you and james are having enjoy every moment as i am sure you will take care have fun heaps of nana hugs coming your way xx
Ruth sounds like a great time in London! I don't think James you have ever chilled in your life! enjoy Europe both of you! XXXXXX