Hey everyone
Well from now on my blogs are going to be neither insightful or regular, and in fact they may just bore you or make you insanely jealous. This is because they will comprise of just beaches, parties and good company!
Sara and I arrived on Koh Phan Ghan on the 6th, after a rather tiresome bus jounry and boat ride. On the bus the air conditioning kept dripping on my periodically... it was like water torture (well perhaps not as bad!) which kept me up. We arrived at the harbour at 4.30am and the baot arrived to take us to the islands at 7am. The boat was alright, though I was a little ratty from lack of sleep... plus Sara had slept relatively well so she was happy to play with the small thai child in the seat in front of us... whereas miss grumpy pants over here was finding it to be loud and irritating. God how am I gonna cope with my own kids!? Anywa, this is Koh Phan Ghan.....
6th May- Arrival
When we arrived we got of the boat to be bombarded with different hotels. Sara scouted out a nice one on Sunset beach, which is only 5 mins from Sunrise Beach (the beach of the party) and offered an infinity pool, fan room, fridge and hot water. It turned out to be spot on, and was lovely and quiet.... just what you need after the outrageous sound sytems here.
We spent the day lounging by the pool, soaking up a few rays and sleeping off the journey. In the evening I got a call from Georgia and we met them at Cactus Bar on the main beach. It was so lovely to see her... she really is a sweetheart. Plus, on her trip to Tanzani she met a great girl called Sabrina (who is my idenitcal personality twin we have decided... because we are so damn simular about certain things) Anyway, we got on like a house on fire, and we met so many people through them. Sabrina went to one of the socialable private school where everyone knows everyone in private school land (not to say she is like that though) so every second person here knows her. Therefore, we became a crew of about 25 haha... which was great!
After a couple of buckets, Georgia and Sabrina headed back to sleep as they had not napped like we did in the day. Sara and I were still quite lively so we headed to the Coral Bungalow pool party. Onour way there we met two Canadians who were a good laugh, so we took them with us for some pool fun!
The pool party was mad, but we had a great time, and I got thrown in about 60 times... no jokes. Luckily I managed to keep my handbag wet, otherwise this blog would have had a far more melancholy feel to it!
We got home around 4am!
May 7th- 2nd day
Today we headed to the beach for the day and met up with Sabs and George. We met their friend Caz there, who is blunt and I love her for it. We played frisbee, nattered and I tried my hand at a bit of pit pat (racket ball). All in all it was a lovely relaxed day.
In the evening we all headed to caz'z house to get covered in our neon paint. We then had a lovely meal together and headed bak to cactus and paradise for some more dancing. We met up with Chantal, Kelly and Rachel, which was lovely as it gave ys a chance to catch up. We danced like demons yet again, and I spent most of the night with georgia as we lost everyone, but it was great to dance with her! Again... we got in at around 4am!
May 8th- Pre Full Moon
We spent another day on the beach, but it was very hot and Sara had burnt a little the day before so she stayed home and slept off the burn and tiredness. Sabs, Georgia and I watched abit of friends at one of the cafes and then sunbathed and slept for a while. Sabs has been getting with this guy louis so we hung out with him abit. It was a chilled day reli.
In the evening it was the pre full moon party. I actually enjoyed it more than the regilar full moon bash. We had so much fun... just dancing away. I was extremely hyper active, and could not stop running up and down the beach with Sabs. We had so much fun! We also bumped into Sacha Craig and her kenyan friends, which was so strange. And I bumped into a girl called Jazz who I used to work with. I had bought a full moon t-shirt and pens, so I got eveyrone to write messages on it, it looked cool. The music was awesome, drum and bass, hip hop, dance... you name it, they had it! Had great fun!
May 9th- Full Moon
In preparation for the night ahead, we lay in a little. Then we all went and decorated our tops for full moon with 6 different shades of neon paint. We had a shady day, as red faces would not be a good look at the party...
In the evening Caz, Sabrina, Amos, Georgia, Chants, Kelly, Rachel and I all went for a big meal which would hopefully see us through to the early hours of the morning. Rachel looked absolutely hilarious as she had drawn a full blownb naked torso on her top! It was far to graphic! We were coated in paint head to toe. I had handprints on one leg, stripes on the other, flowers on my arms, dots on my belly, thuderbolts and stars on my face, and it was all topped off with an orange neon head band!
We left Caz's and started to walk through the throngs of people littering had rin... and realisd we were by far the most neoned people, which was quite an achievement. There were far more people than there had been on the previous nights, it was quite overwhelming! There were different music stations down the beach, and a great arrangement of food and bucket stalls. We were spoilt. It was so much fun, we just danced all night... i loved the r and b/cheese.
I managed to stay until 7am when I crashed and walked home, picking up an earl grey tea on my way to soften the blow of the alcohol. To be honest it was just a relief to drink something that didnt taste faintly like listernine for the first time in 12 hours!
May 10th- Day after full moon party
I slept in until 11am when I awoke to the grumblings of my tummy. We went for the first full english breakfast of the entire gap year trip, and it was AWESOME. We brits reli do know how to cater to a hang over. We did not do much with our day, just sat by the pool and ate and drank water. The evening was the first at Ko Phan that did nto involve an alcohol fueled dancing frenzy, and it was relief!
That is the end of my Ko Phan Ghan adventure... I hope it was not to repetitive and boring for those of you sat at home! I had an amazing time, and met some fantastic people. Sabrina, Georgia, Amber, Amos and I are now gonna travel as a 5 to Ko Tao. Sabs, Georgia, Amos and I have decided to travel all the islands together, we get along so well, and it is cheaper in a group! I am very excited!
Love to you all and miss you!
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