Well hello from Khao San Road....
Sorry for the shabbiness of my blogs over the past few days... been having such a good time that I didn't think to update it!! I am very well atm, having got on a new course of antibiotics and rested a bit after a crazy India trip. These are the past few days in Bangkok....
1st April- Arrival in Bangkok
Well, we arrived from Kolkata on time, in fact I think it turned out faster than scheduled, and I was realived to find my slightly damaged backpack to be intact on the conveyor belt woop woop! We were instantly struck by now easy it was in Thailand in comparison to India... there were actually systems to things. For example, we went to get a taxi to Khao San, and there were taxi attendants who assisted with your baggage and gave your a pre paid taxi price!!! As well as that, our driver actually obed road rules and did not beep once... not once! I know it sounds silly and trivial, but I swear to god it was such a relief to not feel that your life was endangered!
We then arrived at Khao San, and unfortuantely our first choice of hostel was fully booked, so we went down the road to the next place, called Rambuttri Village, which is a tad characterless but nice enough room with AC and hot showers. After unpacking we got straight out onto Khao San, and enjoyed a gentle meader down the bustling side markets, sales people and tourists. It struck me how many white people their were everywhere... and it was stange not to be stared at as a minority for the first time in a month. I no longer feel special haha! We then had some Pad Thai and returned to our beds, as travelling is quite exhasting and we were feeling the crazy pace of our indian trip was catching up with us a tad. I slept very well, and it was lovely to have such quiet around our room for once!
2nd April- Day in Bangkok
We woke up at 10am.. the latest I think we have lay in for about 5 weeks!!! Whilst getting ready to go out we got a phone call from Sophie and Cara who happened to be in the same hotel and had seen our names in the guest book upon arrival! It was a very strange coincidence! We then met up with them for breakfast, which was YUMMY! I had fruit with yogurt and then a maple syrup pancake (which was fat like an american one... kinda like the ones you make Liam..) and 2 glasses of fresh watermelon and orange juice! Scrummy!!!!! We spoke about our various trips and ancedotes from our travels, and it was great to hear about Sophie and Cara's trip down Africa which sounded like a once in a lifetime experience. After brekkie we did a little shopping and then whilst Cara and Sophie slept off their journey Amos and I booked our transport around Thailand. We booked a bus to Kanchanaburi, and are doing an Elephant ride, riding the Death Railway and seeing the war museum, as well as a floating market. Then we booked trains to Sukothai and Chiang Mai, plus our boat down the Mekong River into Laos... very exciting!! We are trying not to over do it, as India took alot out of us, and we are pretty knackered. We also booked our accomodation for the full moon party and our bus down there, which is very exciting, and a relief to have sorted it out.
In the evening the four of us went out for dinner and drinks, but had a fairly early night as soph and cara were a little tired. Amos and I stayed out for a few more cocktails, but decided to take it easy as the following evening was gonna be a big en!
April 3rd- Bangkok and Cara's birthday!!
Today was Cara's 19th Birthday so we had to make it a good day! We met up with Gregory and Oli for breakfast, which was great fun as we heard all about their trip around asia. Unfortunately Oli had to leave to go to China that afternoon, so it was brief meeting, but fun all the same. After another great breakfast we did a little birthday shopping around Khao San, and Sophie and I hatched an ingenious plan to get Cara into a Piercing place to get her nose pierced... and ir worked! I watched it being done, it was awesome! Looks great on her too, and we all pitched together to pay for it as a birthday gift. Then we went and picked up a huge 'Cookies and Cream' birthday cake for Cara, that was beautiful!
After getting our glad rags on (each of us bought a new dress for the occasion) we all went to our room and had a lush scrummy cake! We lit the candles and everything! Then we all went out to meet up with Gregory and Bridgy, and had too many buckets and beer to recollect! I had not drunk in so long... and it did get me a tad tipsy to say the least! Then we headed out to a great club, where we danced the night away with all these Thai chicks... they were a tad weird... and after a post night snack of Burger King Onion Rings (I smelt sexy...) we got in at 4am!!
April 4th- Another day in Bangkok
Today we got up at like 11am... so late and I staggered rather unceremoniously to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get rid of the onion ring smell! We had a small breakfast, as our stomachs could not hack too much food, and all of us are suffering from rather a nasty stomach bug that basically pushes anything that you have eaten in the past hour out of your body pretty promptly!! Nice I know... perhaps abit too much information!
We were supposed to go sightseeing, but due to our hangovers we ended up lounging in Starbucks (the only place with air con, as it is like 37 degrees here and humid!) for a while! Then I went on Skype and had a awesome chat with Liam... it has been too long since we chatted face to face!
Tonight we are going to a 'Ping Pong' show... whcih literally terrifies me! Gregory, Bridgy and Horsley are taking us, and its gonna be uncomfortable... but oh well. Apparently its just something you gotta do in Thailand, even if it does involve a bunch of Thai women doing things they should not be with various impliments!
Anyway, gotta dash... mum and dad lets chat on Skype soon yes?!
Miss you all... will call or text you from Kanachaburi as we are going there tomorrow!
Gnu xxxxxxx
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