Hey everyone!
I am currently in Vang Vieng... although we leave for Vientiane this afternoon in order to catch our bus out to Cambodia tomorrow morning. I am relieved to be travelling somewhere that I anticipate being slightly more cultural, as Laos has very much been a party place............
April 20th- Journey to Vang Vieng
Today Samantha, Clare, Sara and I caught a mini bus down to Vang Vieng for the tubing. It was only about 7 hours, which is not too bad by the standards that we are now used to. I was also very scabby and managed to get myself the front seat of the minibus (you know, the one with the driver next to it) which gave me extra room and a beautiful view of the spectacular scenery. The road between Louang Prabang and Vang Vieng is know as 'The Road of neverending turns", and I can safely say that it has earnt that title. It was possibly the most winedy (dunno how to spell that word... sorry dad!) road EVER. On one of our toliet stops we were buying some sandwiches and In the same cabinet there were, I am not kidding, toasted rats. Toasted rats. Safe to say I did not eat my sandwich. So by the time we had reached Vang Vieng I was very hungry and all four of us enjoyed a lovely meal in front of friends. It is rather strange, but every single retaurant in Vang Vieng has either Friends or Family guy playing... I love it. Its so nice to watch a little tv for a bit! Our hostel was lovely, and despite and iffy toliet we had a grand night sleep!
April 21st- First day of Tubing
After a hearty breakfast we embarked on investigating the 'tubing' of Vang Vieng. Apart from the photos I have seen on facebook from various other friends doing it, I had very little clue as to what we were getting ourselves into. We bumped into 3 girls, Rosie, Kat and Karen, from our slow boat trip (you bump into the same people all the is bizarre!) and the all got our tubes and crammed onto a tiny tuk tuk for the 4km ride up stream.
We got there. It was intense. Imagine a river. Dozens of rope swings. Even more trapeezes. Bars everywhere you look. People all in their swimwear. Alcohol overflowing the cup. A whiskey shot at every turn. People passed out in their tubes. MY GOD. It was CRAZY!
Basically tubing is a recipe for disaster. While we were their 3 people got hospitalised and their was a rumour that one girl died last week. So Amos and I were very careful. I promise parents... we were careful.
We only made three bars, and did get a touch tipsy. But not as bad as Karen who decided to have 'mushroom' bucket, and then pass out! Cut and long story short we managed to get her back safely, but I was a little shook up but the happenings of the day and so went on skype with Liam to calm myself down. I dunno how people can manage a day of drinking AND a night... its crazy!
April 22nd- Chill out day
We could not face tubing again today, as we had bruises and insect bites all over us and we generally feeling a little down on our luck and rather run down. Instead we enjoyed hours of family guy and friends, downing endless fruit shakes whilst I periodically ran to the toilet. Thats right. On top of everything I have a stomch upset. Fun.
The evening, however, was great fun. We met up with all our slowboat buddies and went out to 'Q' Bar and 'Bucket Bar' as well as 'Juggs' to finish the night off. The lovely thing about all these bars is that, not only do they have dancing, but they also have hammocks. So when you are tired you can just kick back in a hammock for a bit. It was really good fun!
April 23rd- Another Day of Tubing
Today, for the sake of my liver and peace of mind, I did not drink whilst tubing. We did not rent tubes this time, but took the cheaper option of swimming between bars. Kat, Sara and I had a lovely time just watching the world go by, and made friends with two lovely London girs called Lara and Rosie, who were good fun. We also bumped into the guys from the slow boat again, which was a laugh. It was a very hot day though, so we were a touch uncomfortable.
We went out again in the evening, but it was not as lively or as fun, so we ended up going back early.
Today is the 24th and we are about to catch a bus down to Vientiane in order to get our flight out to Cambodia tomorrow. I am very excited! Although Laos has been fun, the excessive drinking and life threatening lunacy that I have seen here is not necessarily what I came on my gap year for. Sure, it has been an experience. But I think the beauty of Angkor Wat is going to be much more memorable.
Missing you all lots, and wanna skype with you mum and dad soon.... email me with when is best! Please!!
Love you all xxxxxxxxxxx
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