Thanks for the messages mummy and daddy... sounds like you have your work cut out with Ben and his friends! Oh to be 16 again! You will be pleased to hear your other offspring is not being quite so stupid haha! Today we went to the Blue Mountains which were absolutely stunning and awe inspiring. Chloe's dad put us in touch with Bas and Libby who kindly drove us up to the mountains and showed us around them, they were so generous and sweet I cannot get over it! We visited the three sisters and echo point, although due to the intense heat today the waterfalls were rather lack luster. It has been record breakingly hot today, coming in at about 42 degrees at 2pm!!! In Victoria they have had the worst bush fires ever… seems miles away from the Snow! I applaud your efforts in going to school despite the snow guys, you know if I were there I would of point blank refused! The plans you have with Val and Jane sound great mum, though I swear Stringfellows is a strip joint… or am I just being a complete tit?! Well done with the job application mum, you are on your way to success I can feel it in the air (and I am on the other side of the world!) Thanks for doing my room, I really miss it, and you better be looking after bunny mum! Tonight we are going to see Circular Quay all lit up and beautiful with Nancy and this Swiss guy called Matthew who is so sweet, and tomorrow we are gonna shop (with no money) and perhaps go up the tower. We are staying with Chloe's Godmother's friend, which will be abit of light relief from hostels. I will be putting up photos tomorrow daddy don't worry… though they will make you jealous so prepare yourself! Miss you guys loads and loads!
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