The answer to that question was NO without a doubt No. But then i went on this Ghost hunt tour and now i´m not too sure about my answer... it might be a maybe now..
when i arrived to Savannah i drove to The visitors center and found me a hotel close by. Cathy had told me to take one of the ghost tours in Savannah because of the history of the city.. and first of all i have to say i don't believe in ghosts but i do like to hear ghost stories and hear about different things has happened in city.. and taking part of a ghost tour really gives you lot of stories and history...
First of all i wanted something to eat so i walked down to the riverfront and did a bit of shopping there. Lots of small shops with clothes, souvenirs and candy.. when walking around in Savannah for a bit i saw horse carriages again.. but this time i saw that they had horse showers... to cool the horses down.. and i´m glad i saw that... i really felt sorry for those horses in that heat..
well back in my hotel i relaxed for a bit and wrote a few postcards, and all of the sudden it was time to go down to the lobby to start the ghost tour. I did put in new batteries in my camera just to be sure that my camera wouldn't stop working in the middle of the tour.. This ghost tour took us to two houses and they drove us around in the city too and told us about the history of Savannah. Lots of people have died in that city due to war, but there has also been lots of other deaths not always because of something they have done.... there have been lots of children and women that have died in accidents or they have been killed because of something they believed in or because of being in the wrong spot at the wrong time...
Our Tour guide told us that sometimes the ghost will show in your pics... they will show themselves as a white dot in your pic. Sometime they might make your picture unfocused and quite often they empty your batteries in your camera. So of we went, we arrived to the first house and heard about the ghost in that house and to be honest i didn't feel anything special there.We went down to the basement and we walked into a dark room. we saw a TV screen that showed a film taken whit infrared cameras. The film was of us... behind us we could see white dots moving...
I took a few pics.. and you tell me.. what those white dots are... because i know that my camera usually don't have white dots in the pics...
After we came out from the last house and we were about to drive back i took this pic. I´m sitting in the buss.. there are no windows in the buss, i don't use a flash and i know there wasn't anyone else taking pictures when i took this...Can you tell me what the white dot is in the middle of my pic???
With all this said.. i think i might change my answer to the question: Do you believe in Ghost? to a MAYBE or even a YES.
what do you say?
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