The journey to Pai was horrendous. Apparently there is 792 corners to make in 3hours and it was safe to say that I spent those 3 hours trying not to throw up. However, once I arrived I absolutley loved how chilled out and hippy Pai is. It is the smallest town full of little quirky bars, cafe's, tatoo shops and dreadlocked thai people. I went to my hostel which was overlooking the river. It was a little bamboo hut costing me 3 quid a night with a tree house. After dumping my stuff I thought hiring a motorbike to visit the hot springs would be a great idea. I subsequently crashed it into a restaurant to the disgust of everybody around. Instead of dignifying myself and carrying on, I got up told everybody around to ignore me and stayed in the vicinity wayyy too long, straightened my pink mushroom style helmet and walked the motorbike off. So embarrassed. Anyway, I couldnt find the hotsprings, turned back round and went to a bar instead.
That night I had made friends with a group of students and their guide Ing. We went to a couple of Rasta bars and the next day decided to go to the Chinese Village. This village was so cute with beautiful buildings. That night it was the Thai elections so everything in Thailand was shut so instead we decided to stay at the hostel, eat a buffet of food and drink our weight in Black c*** vodka. Somehow, we ended up at a dodgy mexican owned by a man from Texas who was an idiot.
The next day I was due to leave for Laos...
This journey was again horrendous and I definitly did throw up. It was the windiest road and then had to stay at a vile hostel for 3 hours sleep before we made our way to the border to make the 2 day boat trip to Luang Prabang. The slow boat was nice with the most amazing views down the Mekong River. Granted I slept the majority of the two days but did wake up in time for a small thai child shouting at me to buy his crisps. Delerious, I paid 2 pound.
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