Vientiene was more of a stop off so I could get to the South easier however I was suprised how much I liked the city. Granted, there was not alot to do, but it was good to be in a 'city' after filling up on villages and little towns.
I booked into a dorm for two nights and the following day I took the local bus to Buddha Park, an hour away. As it was the local bus it meant I was the only tourist so could only assume the driver understood me enough to know where to drop me off. Thankfully he did. Buddha park was scary at first as nobody was about and it looked like a graveyard. You could climb into one of the statues which enclosed miniture statues - it was creepy.
Later that night I looked around the night market where some disgustingly-gross drunk man was barging into people, coughing and sweating over everybody. So therefore it was obvious that he was to be staying in my dorm. Vile.
Next day I started the trip down to 4000 Islands. It was a sleeper bus so basically double bunkbeds on a bus. It was so busy I ended up sharing my bed with a local Laos woman who would sit up and sing to herself and regular intervals. Luckily she was so small that I could bend my body round her and just about fit in the bed without breaking any social boundaries. Just.
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