Woken up by the horny Russians again, almost exactly the same time as the first morning, 0630hrs...... At least there consistent. We still had the moped so after a scrummy breakfast we headed off to a supermarket to buy some sun lotion and hair conditioner. Asia is amazing, the culture is so set against darkening your skin as this would suggest you work outside and therefore are poor, meaning that they don't sell anything other than factor 50. But they do sell whitening lotion which we can only imagine is for whitening your skin. God must be so confused, white people trying to tan and dark people trying to get lighter. Not me lol, I love the sun.
We went back to the beach for lunch and found these amazing subway type sandwiches only a fraction of the price. Isla had a lovely chicken satay one, a flavour subway should definitely adopt.
After lunch we made the most of the moped and took a drive west to try and find a more secluded beach that was showing on my maps. On route we got slightly lost but stumbled across a fishing port where the locals were drying their shrimp on the road. We have a video, there was literally hundreds of thousands of shrimp. The smell was delightful but another gem to come across. Sometimes you have to get lost to find hidden beauties.
We headed back to the main beach area and booked into our final hotel for Nha Trang before we went to Hoi An, this time hopefully without any screaming Russians or bed bugs. After checking in we freshened up and then headed down to a beach club called "The Sailing Club" on recommendation from Lonely Planet. The place was pretty awesome, and had comfy bean bags on the beach which we kindly occupied whilst ordering our drinks. We both ordered a jar of Sangria and when it came, 1 would have been big enough for both of us. Easily a pint in each, I finsished mine and Isla' so was feeling very chilled when a fire was started on the beach and added to the amazing atmosphere. We spent a few minutes overhearing stories from other travellers and reflected on how lucky we are, before retiring to bed.
In the morning we checked out of our hotel and had 6 hours to burn before our train to Hoi An. As the weather was extremely hot and clear skies, we decided to chill on the beach, take a dip in the sea, eat fresh pineapple cut in front of our eyes and just generally chill out. We then headed off to the train station and caught our train which was on time for once. We had hard beds this time as it was overnight. We were in a cabin of 6 beds, 3 on each side and we were in the middle beds. We shared the cabin with an old Vietnamese lady, 2 Vietnamese men ( 1 of which had six toes ) and a monk who snores louder then first thought possible. I managed to get some sleep but like the train to Bangkok i found myself waking up at every station we stopped at. Isla struggled to sleep, getting frustrated with the monk who luckily got off halfway through the journey, otherwise Isla might have caused him some harm. We reached a town called Da Nang at around 0730hrs as Hoi An doesn't have a train station so we needed to catch a bus for a 1 hour journey to Hoi An.
Luckily I had done a lot of research about traveling the world and came across a website called seat61 which is created by a guy who has recorded all of the bus times/prices, trains/prices etc for nearly the whole world comes in handy most of the time. He has advised about the trip from Da Nang to Hoi An by bus and states it costs 17'000 dong (50p) and that the conductor on the bus will try to charge Westerners more but advised to just smile hand over the 17'000 dong per person and refuse to pay anymore. So with that advice we head off to see what happens.
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