So we had a bit of a rubbish journey to Phnom Penh, D'oh. We had planned to get a sleeper bus based on some good reviews, we chose the bus and when it arrived we were pleased to see it has beds instead of seats. Result, literally laid straight down and went to sleep. Isla heard or felt something and told me the bus might have a flat tyre. From this point on the bus stopped a lot and it turned out we had only moved a mile in 1hr 1/2. The bus driver' mate walked down the isle and told us all to get off and swap bus. We got on the new bus to the nightmare picture that we no longer had beds but normal seats. So annoying, no chance of a refund and no chance of sleep. So for the next 6 hrs the driver would have everyone on edge by slamming on the breaks as if we were about to crash, so everyone ignored the news to sleep and just leaned into the isle to see the journey in case we needed to brace. The bus eventually arrived and we got a tuk tuk to our hotel. We arrived too early to check in but the receptionist was lovely and allowed us to leave our big bags with them. We booked a Tuk Tuk through them to pick us up at 0830 and take us to the killing fields. We had enough time to grab some breakfast first as I was starving.
We got our Tuk Tuk and had an amazing journey to The Killing Fields ( not that it is something to look forward to but the trip showed us again the real Cambodia just like in Siem Reap ). On route the Tuk Tuk driver headed towards a road ahead of us that looked like it was decorated for a wedding, I said to Isla "looks like a wedding, might have to turn around" nope not in Cambodia, we drove right through the wedding reception about 2 feet from the tables. Two guests shouted "Hello" and we carried on through. Now I know there is a film, either James Bond or Indiana Jones where a Tuk Tuk driver drives through a restaurant, this literally put me in the movie. It was hilarious. We couldn't help but think what we would be like if it was our wedding, probably would have hit the roof lol.
Anyway we reached the killing fields and before we arrived we got a sense of what we were about to see. The history is explained clearly and provides a real sense of what they went through. It's an absolutely devastating history made worse by how recent it was and even worse to think that the western world still saw the Khmer regime as rulers of Cambodia up to 10 years after the genocide. It gives credit to the Cambodians as they are quite a funny and caring nation.
We paid our respects and headed back to our Tuk Tuk driver who asked if we wanted to visit the genocide museum. After the long trip, lack of sleep and overwhelming experience at the killing fields, we didn't have the energy to witness further atrocities so headed back into the city for a quick stop at a Russian market.
We reached the Russian market in the centre of Phnom Penh which was about the size of two football pitches and under cover. The market was packed so tightly that you barely had a persons width to walk between the stalls. Still it was exciting and had a real buzz for an atmosphere. We had a go at knocking down the prices but I'm sure they still get the better deal.
We then went back to the hotel for 1400 to have a shower and a power nap. We napped from 1500 till 2000 and just decided to not bother getting out of bed and slept right through till morning without waking up. Must have been super tired, at least we got our monies worth from the hotel. Off to Vietnam now and we can't wait, Cambodia was interesting and provided some humbling moments but I don't think we will be back. Bit of a pattern through travellers really, 50% of travellers return to Thailand but only 5% to Cambodia.
You will have to excuse the picture, we had such poor luck with buses that we decided to emulate The Inbetweeners hehehehehehe.
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