Looks like you're having an awesome time; I bet you're all still buzzing from the skydive. Have fun.
S & J's Mum
Just thought I would drop a short note and wish you a happy easter. Again your travels sound great, quite envious of the rafting, that does sound good fun. Weather here cold, actually had snow last night!!!
Well continue up-dating all of us and hopefully catch up again soon.
Love as always, take care. Mum
Andy (Holden)
Hi Laura
Glad to see you are off having fun while the rest of us freeze in arctic conditions ha ha! hope you are having a good time, got the web address off nic, don't do anything I WOULD do! Have Fun
Annies Mum
Hi well done all off you for doing the sky jump, very impressed looks a lovely place, horrid weather here ,Happy Easter to you love mum
Norma And Derek (Adopted Mum And Dad)
Hi steph, hope you are having a brill time, missing you. Derek says find all the places for cheap vino for while he is over there to save him struggling and wasting precious drinking time. Not envious of you all at all! hahaha BIG LIE!!
Oh My God Coup, just looked at your photos of you doing the ski dive. Your Crazy, i especially love the one of you just after you have jumped out of the plane, i never knew your mouth could open so wide!! think that is a secret talent that you have there? could even be your party trick. Can't wait to see the dvd when you get back. That really is one for our DVD night. Miss you x x x x x
photos look fantastic, you lot are tottally mad jumpin out of plan also very glad you did not tell me you were doing it, PANIC!!
Snow in Amsterdam at mo this place is very interesting!! Not as good pics as yours taken, have fun speak soon
photos look fantastic, you lot are tottally mad jumpin out of plan also very glad you did not tell me you were doing it, PANIC!!
Snow in Amsterdam at mo this place is very interesting!! Not as good pics as yours taken, have fun speak soon
photos look fantastic, you lot are tottally mad jumpin out of plan also very glad you did not tell me you were doing it, PANIC!!
Snow in Amsterdam at mo this place is very interesting!! Not as good pics as yours taken, have fun speak soon
Carrie (J & S's Mum)
Just looked at the photos, they are amazing, you are all so brave, glad you didn't tell me before you did it. All the scenery looks great - especailly compared to the gloom and doom of our dreary weather.
Actually the sun is out at the moment - unbelievable - wont last!!!
The camper van looks great fun enjoy driving it and take care.
Great to talk with you this morning, you did sound amazingly happy and carefree - again jealous. Have fun girls.
Have done nothing since you left except for work and suffer from a cold. The trip sounds fantastic and I am muchos jealous. Thomas is back and home life is a whole lot more entertaining. In keeping with my rock and roll life style, I'm off for a pint at the club. Tomorrow I am operating on Dad's Dexta. I will write again when life becomes more interesting.
x x
Janet W
Hi there everyone.
Anne I am missing your visits on your way home from the shop.
Bet i forget my bread lots of times now you have gone. Laura guess what I am sitting on the settee watching tv and typing when I should be swimming or at the gym. There you go, gone to pot!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad to here everything is going great. Tom remembers his holiday in a converted camper van all be it in France not NZ but they had a great time as it sounds like you are having. Hey I hear you were in swim wear
the other day, sounds strange when it is giving snow, gales and lashing rain here. ( no change there then)
Have a fantastic time . Love the bloggs Can't wait for the photo input