Well done on the camper antics, sounds like your having a ball, off to amsterdam tonight, not exactly the scenary of NZ, very jealous still.
Be safe and have fun, go put another shrimp on the bar'be (jen for u go put another steak on the bar'be)
Mart x
Hey glad you made it to nz ok- very jealous of you all as its cold, grey and drizzly in london. Very proud of you for driving the van- i'm barely 'at one' with a car!
have fun!
Hey girls,
Just a quick email to wish you luck for the big parachute jump, youre all very brave, hope its amazing but let us know when youre back safe on the ground.
Yay only this afternoon left and we get 4 days off for Easter. Think im off home for turkey dinner on sunday but dont worry annie ill eat enough for both of us!
Take care, Love Wiz xx
howdy doody ladies..
glad to see you've arrived in NZ safe and sound (and filled with steaky goodness )..
still sounds like you're having a tremedous time..grrrrrr!
easter weekend in britain doesn't really come close to an easter weekend in NZ..so i'm stupidly jealous!i will try my best to get over it with an excessive amount of alcohol and possibly eat my own weight in easter eggs..lol..
bang up some piccies please soon!!i need to see how tanned and what not you're becomiing!
love lots and easter wishes..loubs xx xx xx
Hello Ladies
I am soooooooo envious of you all, sounds like you are having a ball.
All those wonderful places to visit, can't wait to see your photos, especially those in the camper van !
Take good care of each other and have fun ! You only live once...........
Big X Justine ( your mothers most sensible friend ! )
Hello Ladies
I am soooooooo envious of you all, sounds like you are having a ball.
All those wonderful places to visit, can't wait to see your photos, especially those in the camper van !
Take good care of each other and have fun ! You only live once...........
Big X Justine ( your mothers most sensible friend ! )
hey hun just to let u know we have an australian number now it is 0406619682! if u got a sim when u are there we could text.see u soon xxxx
Hiya all! just got onto this site as we,ve had a prob with computer,anyway nuf of that. How are you all? how is new zealand. are you enjoying being pikies in a campervan? not managed to see your pics yet as can't find "Thumbnail" thingy!? me + Fil are def not computer geeks! we'llask your mum. we miss you but glad you're havin ace time. Look forward to following your progress now. take care for now. lots of love x x x x
hellooooo, finally managed to get on the website.
yes i am very jealous esp as it has not stopped raining and being cold since u left, i moved down south for the sunshine dammit!. anyway, sounds like ur having a great time, did u find that china smelt of cabbage? i did when i went!
watch out road users of new zealand!
peace out
al xxxx
Bring on the camper van!! wow its like thelma and louise only withtwice as much fun (as there is 4 of you) You are going to look soooo cool in it!! Steph your adopted mum and dad say hi, they have their trip booked to so they are relying on you to tell them where to go i hope your making notes hehehe. all missing you x x x
Annies Mum
Hi hope all that flying wasnt to bad, drive carefully and enjoyyour selves got our first lambs today,missing you so is dotty,love mum
Louise (Looby)
Glad your all having a good time! Can't wait to see your pics. I've added you into my favourites at work so i can log in easily and find out where you are