there is a slight time difference in OZ to that of the time in the UK..i send many thanks for the text wishing me happy birthday at 5am this morning!!!!
cheers on a serious note though for all my lovely prezzies and will be there in spirit this wknd..and by spirit i mean that in the form of a blow up doll with your face will be magical..and strangely normal!!
21 baybee..who'd have thought we'd make it this far eh?
love lots and lots xxxxxx
Paul Sockett
God, I'm so jealous of yu all. Out there in the big, blue yonder! I'm glad you are all have a whale of a time, regardless of southerners. Living in London, I can so understand the annoyance of that.
Take care, keep having fun, take as many pictures and make as many memories as possible.
The ginger one, xx
G'day Bates (Marsden)
Looks like you're having a super duper time. Im way too jealous to keep checking in on what you're upto, I don't feel as smug as I did when I was mocking you for having to work!!
Hope you have oodles of fun. Keep an eye out for matt bates and when you see him...GET OFF WI IM...!hahahaha...only kiddin keishhhhhhh! And are the Rescuers still down under...?
Miss you mate. You best not be making up any mega cool handshakes with your new found friends...!! smOOch x x x
Just had a gander at your pics, very funny, camper looks good, never mind about the flies its a hard life for you lot out in the sun!
Well done on the surfin, mind those sharks!!
Be safe and have fun
Mart x
Carrie (J & S Mum)
Hi girls
You really are having a great time, love hearing about your exploits. My those sand flies love you Steph, soon you'll be one bit red blob!
Keep up-dating us. Love to you all.
Great photos
Kayleigh (Marsdens Uni Friend)
Hello! Thought I would drop u a message to make u look popular! Sounds like u having a wiked time, it is really fun to keep getting yours and Anges messages, keep them coming!cant believe u done sky dive, must have been so scary! The older version of Fergus sounds very interesting, will have to tell us more about that one! Just to let u know it cold dark and wet here! take care!! xxx
Absolutely loving the blog from Steffie..It was for once, readable with hardly any mistakes..Could all that Australian fresh air be making you even more intelligent??The mind boggles!Haha..
When you return to Britain that white water rafting may actually come in handy, with all this rain we are having it seems cars maybe a thing of the past and travelling via boats could be a thing of the future.. It's shockingly bad!Hating you all for having fun in the sun
Glad to see a fittie of the OZ kind has finally been met!!
Keep updating ladies!And keep having fun!
Love lots Loubs xxxxxx
Mum And Dad Marsden
Sounds like you're having a fantastic time. Hope Australia is as good
Don't worry about the tan Laura - the spots will join up ...eventually
Love Mum & Dad xx
Hope youre all having fun in Sydney. Annie have you found THE bead shop yet or eaten chicken schnitzel??
Yay its friday and theres only an hour left to get through at work...its been a hard old week even though its only been four days.
Love wiz xxx
Hey Steph and Co,
Steph congratulations on your first blog, it was very informative and true to form you found a good looking bloke on your white water rafting adventure. lol. Remember to bring some back with you, you know what its like here. haha
Still not a lot to report from this part of the world, pretty much the same as you left it, although im not sure how that will appeal after all your adventures.
Love Michelle (aka titch to you) xxx
p.s fantastic photos keep them coming.
Hey! Sounds like you're having a fantastic time, and being amazingly brave!!lol Throwing yourself out of a plane seems a little scary to me! Have fun bridge walking - Ali's sister did it and LOVED it, so should be good! But windy!! Say hi to the kangaroos in OZ for me! Love mingaling x x x x x x