Everyone is still waiting with baited breath for your next bloggage, so get a wriggle on lol. although i cant say i blame you for taking a while as your obviously having the time of your life!!
Hope your all doing ok and having a fabulous time, sounds like your going to have lots of stories to tell when you get back! Can't wait!
Michelle xxx
P.S I never know what to write on here, but the wrath of Steph is too tough to handle so i'll keep attempting.
You gone missing again, where are youuuuuu ????
come on guys!! your keeping us hanging here, we want to know moew about these shark infested waters!!!!!!!
As for you lauren, i will stick you as text when i get back from new york and i will help you do some damage to your liver!!! hahahaha
Tom J (Steph & Jen's Cousin)
Hi guys! Just had a look through your pics, looks like you're having a ridiculously good time!! Liked your blog steph, you certainly have a way with words!lol. Thanks for the birthday text by the way! I had a great time. Anyway, continue having an amazing time! While we continue our mundane lives!! Be safe. Love, Tom. x x x
J & S Mum
Hi girls, loved the latest blog - it just had to be Stephie writing that!!!! But why on earth have you left us hanging by a thread? You can't do that - it's not right, its like not having the end to a good book!!! Get on those computers and keep us up-dated. Come on you have nothing else do do except travel and have fun. Think about us in the hail, snow and wind.
Dad and I are back safe and sound and had a good time. Poor dads gone to work all ready. Speak soon I hope. Love to you all.
without a doubt..that latest blog had to be the handy work of the one and only steffie..it was tremedous!bit a to be continued?!?don't leave me hanging like that homie!!
exciting news for you wifey..enchanted is officially out on dvd..have i purchased it?oh you know!!i'm guna let pauly have the delight of watching it with me this weekend..he'll pretend he doesn't like it..but quite secretly will..who couldn't?
*sings*how does she know that you really, really, truely love her? how does she know that you love her?
have you met harold bishop yet?you can't not go and see him while you're there..tis the law!if you do...tell him i said g'day!!
bang up that to be continuted thingy..the suspense is killing me!!!!!!!
missing you lots spaz..tis only been something ridiculous like a month..which is pathetic..i'm slowly becoming a hermit and doing very little with my life..and my liver?well..it's the healthiest it's ever been!!haha..
love lots and lots..loubs xxxxx
to be continued? you're just goona leave me hanging?thats not right!
that new blog is amazing, am i right in saying that it was a stephanie cooper blog!!?? sounds like you have had an amazing time on frazer island. glad you managed to fend off the spiders, snakes and sharks!! Your BO must have repelled them steph!!!! hahaha just joking. I'm missing you loads!!
Hi girls,
Hope your all well and nothing has happened to you, get bloggin xx
Hi everyone
I hope you are still enjoying exploring. I am on my late Easter hols now and catching up with the house work. It isn't too bad as there are freezing winds and several hail showers, not to mention snow up and down the country. Simon has been up to the farm today, as they are getting into the swing of lambing, and as usual he enjoyed himself. Have no news as nothing much seems to be happening. Richard and Sarah were over on Sat, they are well, and re-living some of their travels through your journey. I will sigh off now and read the blog.
Take care xxx
Hi ladies where are you?? im missing my daily fix of your adventure!! Hope your all ok and st chris is doing his job. Get in touch soon x x x
Martin (Jens B/f)
Hi girls,
Hope you have a great time at cattle station, yeeha and all that!!