Sunday 6th Sept .Carnac - Brittany; France
The last few days we have travelled across the breadth of France, stopping only to sleep, tank and to take a break so that now we are in the region of France called 'Brittany or Bretagne'. The weather has become noticeably cooler and it looks like we will have to put away our swimming togs and our summer gear. Never mind we have had a very extended summer season and it's been enjoyable being able to swim regularly and with doing less washing.We stopped on our way over at a variety of camper stops by the road, some were very busy (36 campers) and others we were on our own. Some have been in the middle of towns or we have been able to find a quiet carpark out of the town in a forested area. Yesterday we arrived at Carnac, in southern Brittany, known for its large areas of stone megaliths, cairns, Dolmens and Menhirs (Breton word for long stone). Anyone familiar "Asterix the Gaul" Cartoon books will understand the type of things we are talking about.We parked in the middle of the town in the designated camper stop, and after having some lunch and repairing my bike tyre we went for a very pleasant ride through the outlying areas and saw lots of stones lined up in rows and old burial sites, dating back thousands of years.
Today is Fathers day, and after a bit of lay in, Ewout made a cooked breakfast and complained about it. I told him he wasn't my Father so it didn't count. We will have make up for missing out on all the significant events with our family when we get back. (So kids take notice)
We are now onto the last five weeks of our tour, sounds like a long time but we know that the days can slip away very quickly when we are on the road. We have made up a calendar so that now we can schedule our trip to fit in the last of our intended sightseeing, and our desire to catch up with family and friends.We need to do some maintenance jobs on the camper when we get back and Willy, Ewout's sister will be in Holland in late September so we will do some sightseeing with her as well.
Now our plan is to follow a bit of the coast of Brittany, then up through Normandy before heading east again through Belgium towards Germany.So still lots to see and do.
Enough for now.
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