Hay hay hay! Been pretty busy here doing LOADS of diving and classroom stuff! Having such a fab time doing the Open water courses and next I'm to assist with the Rescue and Advanced stuff! Got my first exam on physiology later so lets hope I pass!!! Went out yesterday to Chumpton dive site which is deep dive 20-30m, waves were huge and drifted quite a distance from our boat! Had a mission swim back to the boat but was great fun dragging the OWs back....Saw LOADS of Nemo fish, the most I've ever seen and a baby one even tried to swim in my ear! Still avoiding the trigger fish as somebody showed me their fins yesterday and they had a huge bite out of them from the legend trgiggers... I will have to watch out!!!!!
Met some cool people over the last few days, an Ozzie called Vena who I went out with for 2 nights of drinking! Had a great time and met tonnes of other cool people! Theres a fab bar called Lotus where most people end up at around 12 til when they feel like turning in!!!!!! Won't say when I got in............
I'm off now but loving the vibe in the big Koh Tao!!! Graet place so glad I decided to stay xxxxx
Hugs xxxx
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