From BA I took a long bus ride up to the falls. The journey and the experience before the journey were both rather crazy to say the least!! Halfway between BA and the falls at 3am in the morning the bus crashed and the whole front window was smashed to pieces. There was a huge bang which woke us all up!!!! Anyway there wasn't a chance in hell the bus could carry on as there was NO visibility from the front. The driver did consider it but eventually rang for a new bus!!!!!
Few hours later a new bus rolled up and on we went. We arrived to "the land of beautiful water falls" which was absolutly roasting hot. It was extremly warm, probably around 40 degrees...Hostel was amazing with huge pool, bbq night and tango show! The Steak here rocks; it's the best in the world-just wish I could bring some home!!!!
The trip to the Argentinean side of the falls was fantastic. We did a boat ride up the river and they drenched us under the San Martin Falls! Loved the boat ride as we went pretty fast and went through tonnes of rapids-ORSOME!!! After the boat trip dried off within about 30 seconds from the hot sun and walked around to see some of the other falls. The highlight had to be the huge "devils throat". This part of the falls was amazing-millions of tonnes of water cascading down. Really liked the huge amounts of energy and noise the water generated. It was impressive to say the least and I soon realised why Igazzu was a world wonder!!!!More news from the Brazil side of falls soon...
I still can't believe I am down to my last week; my time in South America has flown past!! It's definatly been one of the best parts of the trip!!
Still Brazil to visit!!!!!!!!!! RIO here I come xxxx
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