Had the best time ever up at Igazzu, saw the falls from both sides! Loved it and would certainly recommend seeing them! Had some fab nights in Igazzu enjoying lots of BBQs and great big steaks. Really got into drinking Caiprinhia which is a cocktail of rum, lime and a tad of sugar-Its really yummy and indeed very alcoholic!! After Igazzu took my final long bus journey to Rio with some of the others. Was sad that it would be my last long bus ride but I was so excited about getting to Brazil and seeing Rio De Janerio.On the drive in we past through many of the Favelas and also saw Christ The Redeemer AKA God on a Rock in the distance! Rio is fantastic, has such a great vibe and is certainly a real place to party. We are staying at a hostel in Ipanema which is just up from Cococabana beach. Spent a few days on the beach people watching, you wouldn't believe how many people pack onto the beach! There is also so much going on from football, food selling, juggling, boozing, dog walking, dancing, clothes selling and volleyball to name a few things!!There is always something to watch!Great fun..
Have visted Christ The Redeemer which was a fab thing to see, the views down to Sugar Loaf Mountain and the bay were awesome-even bett r than the classic pic's you see in the guide books! Also went up Sugar Loaf by cablecar, cruised along Cococacabana beach, shopped and drank plenty of cocktails. Rio has been the perfect end to what has been the trip of a lifetime!
Today is my last day before I get a long flight back to cold Blighty....Lets hope theres free booze on the aeroplane, I may need it if arriving to baltic conditions!
Looking forwrd to seeing everyone xxxxx
Catch up soon xxxx
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