G'day people! We have made it to Melbourne after our mammouth journey along the Great Ocean Road.
After Alice Springs we flew to Adelaide, & Qantas looked after us very well again!! When we got off of the plane & into the airport our bags were already out on the conveyor belt.. And picking up the car was hassle free..... and from here is where we started the road trip.
Adelaide is such a contrast from Ayers Rock... I thought Adelaide was very much like home, with the thick grey clouds, and it was definatley the busiest place we have been since arriving in Australia with alot more traffic on the road. As soon as we left the airport carpark the satnav took us down the wrong way of a dual carriageway turning which we thought was our typical luck for not opting for the extra insurance & we were going to cause a pile up... luckily we made it onto the right side of the road - and so did the lady in her car behind who had followed us!! So other than queueing up in traffic we drove the short distance into the city to our hostel.
What a suprise, the hostel was amazing!! just such a pleasant place to be! It was really clean and had a new feel to it, and our room had a balcony facing onto the park opposite. There was also a really large common room, with settee's, dining tables and chairs and then a comfy TV room. Because it was a dull winters day in Adelaide and with the hostel being awesome we decided to stay in and cook dinner there, and watch Top gear...
The next morning we got up leisurely and repacked up the car.. then headed on the open road! Just out of the city we saw a wild koala sign, this was exciting for me!! Just like the first time I saw a wild kangaroo sign, but that was an every day occurance in WA, so was something new!! We took the Princes Highway through the coorong National Park, by saying highway I make it sound like it was concrete walls and concrete roads, well it was nothing like that at all, it was just an ordinary country road!! The Coorong was pretty unscenic though, maybe it was this time of year, but we hardly stopped as not much to look at... There was another Pink lake - but this time it explains why it was Pink....It says the Pink colouring in these lakes is caused by a chemical called Carotene which is produced by an aquatic plant 'Dunaliella Salina!, to protect it from the sun's rays. The Pink colouration increases as the lake dries out in the warmer months. Luke saw a dead Wombat..... The only things I saw really were road markers, red Markers to indicate car accidents, black markers to indicate death.... It was really disturbing to see, and most were on a straight stretch of road??? So I was just watching out for any freak ways of crashing........
We stopped off for a toilet break and some Lunch in Kingston S.E by a huge red lobster!!??...... Then continued our journey to Robe, Which is just a little fishing port along the Limestone coast, We pulled into our Motel for the evening, and it was nice to get out of the car, and stretch out legs!! the room itself was nice, but neither of us could help but think about horror films based in Motel rooms, More specifically "No Vacancy"!! I also found a spider on my pillow!! I managed to kill it without Luke knowing, but it left a nasty mark on the pillow!! Luke mentioned before we came to Australia that if he saw a spider he would be on the first plane home... So I failed to mention it to him!! It wasnt huge but it wasnt small either, It had small stubby legs, and have no idea what it was!
The following day, (as I write this, I am clueless to what day it is, im working on the date but have no idea what day it actually is... Everyday is a holiday!!!) Anyway we packed up the car... again, and set off on the road, we cruised nice and slowly through the farmlands of South Australia, and stopped off at Millicent, I can hardly call it a town, because as soon as we entered, we left!! We stopped to take a picture of the sign for my mum.... then we kept on going to Mount Gambier. Mount Gambier built around an extinct volcano, Its a scenic quanit little place, and we drove up to the Blue Lake which is at the top of this volcano. It is exactly what it says it is - a lake with blue water, in Summer the water is supposed to change to a magnificent blue colour, but this was already a bright/dark blue colour when we went. Luke took over the driving and we continued our journey to Victoria. Across the border... and through a time zone!! We took the Portland - Nelson Road, as this was more scenic compared to the highway, It went along the jagged coastline, we stopped for lunch along discovery bay at the edge of the cliff, the view was stunning with sand dunes, fields and forests then the bright blue Southern Ocean.
We arrived at our destination, I had prebooked us into a self contained apartment on the cliffs of Portland, we Checked in and were both speachless with how beautiful it was. The room is a simple studio style apartment, with a Kitchen, Bathroom & living and sleeping area, and best of all, a wonderful balcony with unrestrictive views of Portland Bay, It took us about an hour to take it all in....I want to live here!! We relaxed with a cuppa and put on a DVD which was already by the TV...Mr Beans holiday!! We went to exlore the area as it is Victoria's First European Settlement so thought there would be alot more things to see.. we bought some meat & some wine for dinenr from the local store then made our way back to my favourite place on earth. We watched the surfers in the sea, looked for Whales through the telescope, and just enjoyed being in the apartment... Were both making the most of the home comforts whilst we can, as this luxury wont be experienced again for a long time!!
We stayed in this apartment in Portland for two days, and the next day we pottered around again, fed the birds on our balcony and walked along the cliff tops. We found stronger lenses on the telescope so spent ages looking through that again, I was watching a bloke surfing in the sea, I could even see his face & his beard.... he was a rubbish surfer!! I havent really got much to say about Portland, as I spent most of my time looking out to sea! Somethings never get tiresome!!
The day came where we had to leave our lovely little hide-away, so we packed up the car, refilled it with petrol then hit the road.
Our first stop was at Port Fairy - it is aparently a historic port for whatever reason, but is still an active fishing town, where we walked out to sea on a little pier, on Griffiths island. It was really beautiful and remote. But the strange thing was on the left hand side it was like walking along a canal, and the right hand side was like walking on a boat out in the ocean.. we walked to the end of the pier anyway, and the wind was really strong, so quickly headed back inland, luckily we did then, as as soon as we reached the car the heavens opened and it poured it down for a good few minutes before returning to lovely sunny skies!
Further along on our journey we turned off of the Princes Highway onto... THE GREAT OCEAN ROAD!!!.... We werent very close to the ocean at this point, so it didnt appear to be as impressive as expected, our first signing was of a cheese factory, then we saw a sign saying "The Craggs - Not to be missed!"... Then a few KM down the road was the turning to the Craggs.. someone really wanted people to visit, so we felt obliged!! The road was really thin and steep for 3 km, then we reached the craggs carpark, we went out to see what the fuss was all about. It was a really impressive jagged coastline, with rocks poking out of the sea, and hige waves crashing against the cliff. There was also an island in the sea covered in birds.. Alcatraz of the Southern Ocean!! It was really beautiful and I am suprised this isnt raved about more. There is the 12 Apostles that gets everyone talking but The Craggs should be up there too!!! Further along the Great Ocean Road we pulled into a little Layby, at Martyrs Point, then onto the Bay of Islands, these again was remarkable views and scenery, but to be honest, it was all starting to look the same...... De Ja Vu... We both really enjoyed the drive and the sights, and I arent being negative.
The Great Ocean road was really fun, and the roads zig zagged everywhere and the ocean kept appearing, as though from nowhere.. Then we pulled into Port Campbell and booked into a little Cabin for the night, just by the esturary. But it was still early so we made the most of the afternoon by going to the 12 Apostles, It was only a couple minute drive from where we were staying to the national park.... So off we went and joined the tourists, and walked the path to the 12 Apostles viewing stations. As we were walking down to the first view point, it started raining heavily, which was actually a blessing in disguise, as all the tourists ran towards us, to go get shelter from the tourist centre... so when we arrived it wasnt busy and could see the apostles without peering over peoples heads. Yes the rocks are grand, but I could only make out 6 or 7... so feel a little bit let down!! For a moment when the rain was pounding down on me, I thought I was in the Goonies...... where the kid holds up his map & matches it to the rocks.... Sad I know...
We had Fish & Chips for tea from "Frying Nemo's". Haaa.
Then the following day, Yesterday, We drove from Port Campbell to Bells Beach in Torquay. This was the best day by far out of the road trip, the roads were awesome, and the scenery was just perfect. We drove through the forest of Cape Otway, saw wild Koalas, and wild cows!! The journey to Cape Otway was 30KM off of the Great Ocean Road, and it was forest all the way with massive trees. We intended to go to the lighthouse at Cape Otway, as it is apparently the oldest lighthouse in Australia... but when we pulled up to the carpark there was an an entry fee of $30 per person!! I refused to pay it, neither of us are mad on lighthouses anyway, so drove back through the 30km forest with the Koalas, then rejoined the Great Ocean road for a little while longer.
We pulled into Apollo Bay & 'frollicked in the surf' for a little while, then explored the town. It is only a small town, mainly all on the main promenade but it was really quaint and pretty. As we were leaving town we saw some Whales in the bay, so pulled in to have a look, I think there were about 3 or 4 but they werent too clear, I dont know what kind of whales they were either, and didnt manage to get any decend pictues.... so after we had waited a while to get a good look at them we hit the road again, we drove for about an hour then pulled into a deserted beach and had a picnic. It was a beautiful spot, away from the road, and with beautiful views, and a rock pool to poke around!! Along our journey we drove over little creeks called "the Aire river & the Calder river", now if i didnt know any better I would have thought the Aussies were copying the names of rivers back home???
Shortly after we drove under the Great Ocean Road sign, it was like a finishing line at a race, symbolising the end (or near end) of our road trip!! Booooo... :(
Next stop: Aireys Inlet.... a tiny town which has 'Split Point Lighthouse' which is where Around the twist was filmed....
"Have you ever, ever felt like this......... With strange things happening, Are you going round the twist?".....
It was quite spooky for me, I used to have nightmares of a clown from Luna Park in St Kilda, that tormented the kid on that tv programme, so dont know why I wanted to go so badly.. But we went and I was creeped out none the less.
And then we continued our journey a little further to Torquay, and we stayed in Bells Beach.. we didnt fit in there, we didnt describe things as Bogus, or call people dude, we didnt have wavy hair or wear wet suits and most of all - we werent surfers!!! Total Surf town!!
Today we have finished our road trip by driving from Bells beach to Queenscliff, then we caught a 40 minute ferry to Sorrento on the mornington peninsula. The ferry journey was lovely and calm, and out on deck was breezeless, which was unexpected.
From getting off of the ferry we drove through Sorrento, I think it must be a holiday town for Melbournians, it was gorgeous.. I think I would live there if I had to move over here!! Anyway we drove straight though & headed to Phillip island, we passed through some funny named places, Hurdy Gurdy, Deep Creek Street, Koo Wee and so on!! so that kept us entertained!!
Once on Phillip Island we headed straight to the Penguin Parade on the South West corner of the island, we parked up and this HUGE big, honestly the size of a kangaroo came running down the carpark and started headbutting the car infronts bumper?!?!?
We escaped this craziness and went inside, we had a look around the gift shop, had a drink then had a look down some nests and saw baby penguins, they were basically full size but had really fluffy feathers. As the sun was beginning to set we sat at the front on the beach of the stand and waited for the Penguins to join the parade!! They were expected at 6.12 - the little mites have a strict schedule!!! after a long wait they arrived, fashionably late!! but they flocked inland in the hundreds!! They were fairy penguins, the smallest of penguins. I learned that Penguins can only be found in the Southern Hemisphere?... if that is true, then why oh why can you go and see them at Harewood House?? Hmmmm..
They were funny waddling in from the waves, and waiting for a little posse to cross the beach together, the waes sometimes knocked them all over like skittles... as we were walking back tothe car you could see them waddling into their nests in the grasslands, and the noise they make is just like someone snoring!!!! Just like it!! And the odd Cat meow.. from the penguins!!! The ranger said we couldnt take pictures, even without a flash, i tried to but you cannot see any penguins, so you will just have to take my word for it, that they were cute!!
Anyway it was about an hour and a half drive from Phillip island to Melbourne, and I think weve driven through a few Tolls without paying so were expecting to be a couple of $100 lighter tomorrow!! Gutted... Not a good start to our stay in Melbourne, but the city looks lovely, our hotel is great, and we have a huge 42" TV... for Luke to watch Topgear on tomorrow!! There are plenty of clothes shops around the hotel too and all display the word SALE in the window, as a bonus!!
Anyway its been an exhausting week on the road, but an amazing journey. So im going to say Adios now and go to sleep, I will put my pictures up at some point this week... Night Night!! xxx
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