Just a shortish one today, incase you were thinking b***** it's gonna be another ridiculously epic retelling of some unlawful disgraceful behaviour...:p
Yesterday we got to taupo, a charming little town with plenty to keep you busy, the main thing if course being a skydive, which as taupo is famous for them, are the cheapest skydives in new Zealand! Infact we got to the skydive place before we even set foot in taupo town, literally by about 10.30 in the morning i was already in a plane heading up to 15000 feet over beautiful landscapes and a couple of volcanos in perfect weather ready to jump out... Again :p it was amazing! The extra time freefalling that you get from the additional 5000 feet really makes the difference, you have so much more time to piss about doing superman poses and dancing to the camera before they pull the cord! And this time there was no cork screwing all the way down, just a nice relaxing fall with a nice guy called tim taking the reigns :) what could be better! The only bad thing... It was sooooo cold!!! Like seriously hand freezing nipples out blue lips ice stinging cold! But screw that I jumped out of a plane and didn't die... Again!! :p after that and after we had watched our videos and regained partial hearing ability we headed off to taupo base hostel to wait out the adrenaline rush and basically fall asleep for a couple hours! It's very hard work you know! :p apart from venturing out for food the rest of the day was pretty damn chilled and even when we laid claim to the pool table for a few hours in the bar that night, we were all still high from the jump but also just relaxing and unwinding a bit, it was a nice evening actually :)
The next day was kind of dissapointing for me in a way. Everyone else went off to do the other thing taupo is famous for - the Tongarero crossing, which is basically a 22km trek across mountains, ending up on a snow capped heaven staring down at the world below. It would have been amazing, in fact it was amazing, everyone said so, and the weather was perfect, really nice and sunny - but me being me I couldn't have made it up there, I probably wouldn't have even made it the first 5 miles really, so I stayed behind and amused myself at a lovely little art gallery I found and then with skype for the afternoon ready for a big night out when everyone got back :) I refuse to let these things dissapoint me, I got dissapointed in Thailand when I couldn't dive but that led me to full moon which was even better and in no way am I going to let little set backs like not befriending a couple of mountains impact in anyway my time here - in the words of Wimpie, shift happens. Get over it. And on that note I went out with everyone, got impressivly trollied on my new faveourite drink - vodka lemon and lime, and was in bed by 1am like a good girl. Dad will be proud :p
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