Moments before 6:30am the anticipatioin of the pending alarm buzzer had already filled me with dread. A 24hour bus journey to Hoi An was looming and given our past experiences was it any wonder!? The journey was slow, hot and tiresom. By 7pm we reached Nah Trang but with only a 30minute rest break there was barely time to leave the coach. Although we did leave the coach, for the nearest posh hotel to take advantage of their facilities and free hand cream! By 7am Hoi An was in sight and for once we arrived hassel free and practically to the front door of our guesthouse.
Hoi An was exactly how I imagined, picturesque, laid back and really quite quaint. Family run tailoring stores adorned the perfectly narrow, cobbled streets on each side of the harbour area, each store cluttered from floor to ceiling with fashion magazines and catalogues from across the globe, mannequins and elaborate fabrics. Everything here is made to measure for ridiculously low prices, it really is a must see.
Unable to have anything made due to time constraints, what better to do than hit the beach! White sand, crystal clear water, plam trees...Vietnam has the most incredible coastline. After such a hectic travelling schedule it really was the perfect way to spend the day as believe it or not this travelling malarky is hard work! But all things must come to an end as yet another early start and day of travelling aproached...
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