DAY 63: Bangkok
Another day to kill in Bangkok until we can do anything about our passports. Why? Because it's a bank holiday Monday in light of HM's birthday. Classic timing.
Feeling left out of the Christmas excitement and seasonal weather at home, we decided to generate a bit of festive spirit ourselves. So I went to Starbucks, grabbed a venti vanilla cafe latte, a cinnamon whirl and a cranberry and a white chocolate muffin which we enjoyed whilst listening to Christmas songs on the iPod.
We spent a good few hours up on the roof, but we were late getting up and there were no seats so we had to sit on the floor for a bit until one became free. I very nearly finished my book, 'e squared' which is quite funny, most of which I read whilst stood in the pool to cool down which was awesome. A good way to spend the best part of the day.
We went for a late lunch, back at 999, before making a few purchases in the market, mainly clothes. We spent quite a lot of time haggling away. Sometimes they call your bluff and let you walk away, sometimes they will chase you down the street; 'OK, OK I give you good price'. What we've learned is that you need to be prepared to walk away as you can always go back. It sounds cheeky and they make you feel guilty, but you have to start at 30% of their asking price to get anywhere near what you should end up paying - about half.
For dinner Jen didn't want much, just some fruit, so I got her some cut apple from the shop. I McSinned and had a Maccas which I took back and ate whilst Jen had her apple. She was not impressed. We stayed in and packed for the evening as we had an early start, and a potentially long and boring day ahead tomorrow.
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