Hi everybody!
So it has been far too long since our last blog update so this might be a fairly lengthly one as we have been up to lots and lots in the last couple of months.
So it was Jen's birthday in February so we had a jolly good time celebrating that! On the Saturday we thought we'd be sophisticated and go on a winery tour in the Yarra Valley. We learn't a lot about all different wines however the sophistication slowly went out the window as the day went on and we tasted far too many wines to recollect. Needless to say we got in and were fast asleep pretty quickly!
The next day was the St Kilda festival which had live music and hippy stores all along the beach front which was very cool! Then on Jen's actual birthday we went to theSt Kilda Sea Bath's and had a very relaxing morning followed by lunch at the Lindt Café! For all of those of you that love chocolate you must aim to visit a Lindt Café at some point in your lives! The cakes are to die for! Then in the evening we discovered a great bar called public bar which offered $4 jugs of beer! Couldn't tell you much about the rest of the evening
I was offered a week off work at the end of May so I decided to fly off to Tasmania! Didn't see any Devils but I had a great time exploring theTasmanian landscape! I climbed up Mt Washington which offered brilliant views of Hobart. I also went on the Bruny Island cruise which was brilliant! We got picked up in Hobart and taken to Bruny Island where we were greeted with morning tea and freshly baked blueberry muffins! Then we went on a 3 hour cruise around the island where we saw seals and dolphins. We also drove through deeep sea caves and past the breathing rock! It got a bit chilly when we hit the Southern Ocean though! We then got a dinner of fresh salmon! Brilliant day! Then on my final day in Tassie I visited the convict site Port Arthur! I can't say it was the most terrible prison in the world! Gorgeous views and nice weather doesn't seem like too much of a punishment to me! We all got given a prisoners identity. I ended up being a boy from Manchester who got deported for stealing 10 corsets! Trust me to get the cross dressing transvestite!
Anyway got back to discover that I no longer had a job. Apparently I was too female to do the job- still quite a sexist society in the land of Oz but never mind!
We have spent lots of time visiting Jens bf's auntie and uncle and are currently staying with them which feels very luxurious after our previous accomodation! They took us to Phillip Island to see the fairy penguin parade which was phenomonal! At dusk hundreds of these little penguins come waddling out of the sea and up the beach to hide in their burrows for the night! They are really funny to watch when they are waddling up the beach with their tummys full of fish! We also visited the Phillip Island wildlife park where we got to feed Kangeroo's and Wallabies. I have now fed a kangerooo…and eaten one. The balance has been restored
We had lots of fun with Miss Neeworth while she was passing through Melbourne! Tram track laying was a definite highlight!
Last week we went and stayed on a posh resort in Mildura with Gareth's auntie! Was quite possibly the most relaxed I have ever been! We went to see the harness racing however I wasn't too lucky and came out $5 down! Auntie Jean came out 50 cents up so it wasn't a money making adventure!
Last weekend we went to see Lost Prophets at the Billboard! Was absolutely brilliant! Although on the way home the car decided to break down 100m from the drive! So at 1 0 clock in the morning me and Jen are pushing Auntie Gods car down Napean Hway! Could only happen to us!
So we only have two more weeks left in Melbourne! Kind of sad because we have had a great time here but at the same time we are ready for our next adventure! We are meeting up with Sian and the three of us are heading out on a road trip for 3 weeks (hopefully with no car breakdowns)! So keep an eye out for our next blog which will be filled with our adventure!
Missing you all lots and lots!
Love Em and Jen
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