Hi Everybody,
So we are well and truly settled in Melbourne now! It is an absolutely amazing city and we both love it lots! Jen's working in a cute little cafe in the business district and I'm doing a bit of manual labour in a painting place which is lots of fun and very different to what I'm usually up to!
So since we last updated you we've been up to lots :)
Jen got free tickets to round 2 of the autralian open through work so we saw Andy Murray play! Shame about the final :)
I went on a little road trip to 90 mile beach (yes a beach that is 90 miles long!) It was abaolutely gorgeous (check out the photo's) We went surfing and then saw a dead shark on the beach after so we were a bit more wary after that!
Last weekend we went to Seaford to visit Gareth's (Jen's boyfriend for those of you that don't know) Uncle and Auntie. They have a great apartment over looking the beach (check out the sunset photo's!) They introduced us to bbq prawns and octopus! I also had Kangeroo which tastes amazing!Uncle and Auntie God took us to the Mornington Peninsula and up to Arthur's Seat whcih gives you great views of the whole bay. We also went up to the Dandenongs which is a great national park. We went for an aqua bike ride on Crystal Lake however it was a really hot so there was a risk of bushfires and one started just near us so we had to make a quick exit!
So that's been pretty much it for the last couple of weeks!
Lots of Love
Em and Jen
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