So punch was fun, we all got a wee bit tipsy, because apparently punch is alcohol, haha. We went back to our room to repack our bags for the morning and harry potter was on so that was cool, because all that’s been on is news derbies and soccer or rugby. I have to say that so far I definitely feel like that besides Sydney AU is definitely behind the times, the aboriginal areas are super behind all the towns with a strong aboriginal influence in the north is obviously affected by it. Darwin was probably set back because of the Katrina like hurricane they suffered in the 70’s. We have learned a but load about the culture and heritage of the northern territories. Let me tell you what it is crazy how humid it is up here. I haven’t used a hot tool in almost a week, weird. I keep craving a Pepsi, but this whole damn territory seems to be dominated by coke.
Fifth day we drove into tennit creek, alice springs area, we watched Crocodile Dundee, which was fun, because a lot of the locations in the outback they used in the movie we have been to haha. We went to another awesome swimming hole at Edith falls, which was cool, but kind of scary, because there is a risk of fresh water crocs this time of year. Luckily we didn’t run into any and the area was beautiful. Then we drove in to the gorge system and went on a boat ride of the gorge system, where there was kayaking, and the rock cliffs were beautiful. Now we are at our new hotel, and we are getting together for pizza and Champaign to celebrate the 3 bdays tonight. Early rise tomorrow! Love you all miss you. Sorry this took me so long. I miss you all, but having fun, and getting better everyday! Up date soon, love you guys.
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