yay, i love a good blog to follow!! best wishes y feliz año neuvo xx
So where are all of these blog posts - have you forgoten about us all ready!
Hi Jem and Sandra, how was Munich? thought about all that cold weather while I was here with the 40deg heat. not good after minus 20deg. hope you both had a great new year and enjoy the rest of your stay in germany. before you head off to south america. xxoo
uhhh that would be knives in the message below.....not knifes !! ha ha.....couldnt let that one go.....:)
Sian Joseph
Hey Jem,
Godd to speak to you today on your way to the airport. Look forward to reading about yours and Sandra's trip. Enjoy the time with your family, Sandra.
Have a Blast!
HI guys,
Choos....bite.....danka.....denkmaal.....auvwediershen.....saurkraut....ummm leipzich.....ok thats my list german exhausted....
HAPPY and SAFE travelling tomorrow....SO exciting cant wait to hear all about your adventures....
What time is your flight out ?
Just wanting to know so we can pop by and get all the knifes and scan pan stuff and all the other stuff you said we can have....i mean....borrow...:)
hope you enjoyed the lasagne jem :)
keep in touch, and have funnnnn !!
Love us lot stuck at home.....xxx
Howdy Guys!!
Have a Fantastic journey, come home safe, wheneva that is, and dont worry all ya checks will be safely deposited into our account, hahaha. Love ya's
Tanis & Brad xo
We will look forward to reading about all the places you visit looking at your photos.
Macht den Feuerzangenbowlenstand nicht zu unsicher und trinkt nicht so viel - ich will auch noch was. :-)
hallo Ihr lieben Zwei ( -:
haben gestern abend schon mal mit Marc die Feuerzangenbowle von Ede an der Pyramide gekostet. Marc und ich werden heute noch mal probieren ob sie wie gestern schmeckt. ( -:
Liebe Grüße bis bald
Heidi und ich
Hallo Ihr Zwei !
Wir wünschen Euch viel Spaß und eine gute Reise. Wir haben hier auch schönes Wetter (9°C, Regnerisch) und ich darf gleich ins Büro. :-). Hoffen, wir sehen uns. matz+isa
hi there,
I'm looking forward seeing you guys in good old germany- it's pretty cold already! have a save flight and hello to lorette and rod.
love you!!! :)))) sis sabine