liebe gruesse aus lloret de mar. bin grad mit maria hier und versuchen gleich mal die gegend zu erkunden. morgen gehts nach girona und leider dann schon wieder zurueck nach barcelona. ja auch wir haben was erlebt.
lasst euch mal wieder hoeren ...
ansonsten lieb gedrueckt und dicker schmatzer .... :-)
Aunty Berna
Oh to be young again......Keep having fun and posting the photos, lover me xxx
Not quite on the ferry, but will be boarding in the next few hours. See you in 4 days (~11am 1 March arrival in Puerto Natales)
once again awesome photos. you two are probably on your ferry by now. so hope you enjoy it and see some more fabulous sites. take lots of photos.
love the photos. like Aunty Berna said, it makes you feel you are actually there seeing it all.
Aunty Berna
Great post! Makes me feel I'm there but there again maybe not - too much drinking for the likes of me. Absolutely love the photos - keep them coming. lots of love xxxx
hey ihr zwei ...
stellt doch mal nen video rein damit man die sachen besser genissen kann :-)
ich finde ja videos machen das ganze authentisch ... hab ich mal gehört ...
liebe grüße aus le und dicke knutscher ..
oops... that will teach me to turn the light on when I type a message. I was trying to say it was a nice warm day here today. I never turned the light on so put my fingers on the wrong keys when I was typing and just assumed I was typing the right letters. blame the senior moment. xxxx
awesome photos. you certainly picked a beautiful spot so check out.nice arm day here today. xxxxxx
what about those tablecloths in business class ay. great photos of BA. was looking for you in the undies ad Jem. your missing was that because you were taking the photo instead hee hee. keep the photos coming. take care. xxxx
Great pics from BA! Jem, don't forget to send your local mobile no!
take care!
Aunty Berna
Great to hear from you both. Photos pretty good too! Looking forward to future updates. xxx