just checked out the rest of your photos. you are very lucky to have been able to see all these wonderful sites. loved the riding on the iceberg. and the sunset set was to die for. you know me and sunsets. beautiful photos. great talking to you again. love you. mum, dad & shaun. xxxxxx
Thanks everyone for all your messages. We really appreciate some communication from back home. Just arrived in Santiago - will probably spend a week here and hopefully will have time to update the rest of our blogs.
Cheers, Jem
Hi, loved the photos, the glaciers look so vivid, like we are there seeing them with you. makes me remember what they were like in Alaska. I love the picture of the old blue building, don't know what it is, but it looks cute. enjoy Santiago. hope there are no more after showcks while you are there.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxmum
hey ihr zwei ...
hoffe ihr seid jetzt nicht grad in santiago unterwegs (wegen des Erdbeben), damit wir uns auch noch in LA sehen.
Macht keinen Mist und P.S.: bitte nicht wieder den Knöchel verstauchen (oder was auch immer du mit deinem Fuss gemacht hast)
Drück euch beide ganz doll
Kate V
Hi J & S,
Superb countryside! Feeling (slightly) envious. My feet are ready to go exploring. My new resolution is to visit a different place in Perth every weekend this year. Thanks for the inspiration. Fare well
Hi once again awesome photos. love the way you have captured the background scenery reflectin on the water. and that horse track, well the horse was very brave to tackle it. likewise you both were as well. love mum
Hey Guys
Nice to read your next instalment as nothing much exciting is happening here. We were thinking about an exotic holiday to Dunsborough for a long weekend but some how we dont have the time. Wish I had a job like yours!
Aunty Berna
Time for TransPerth to update their buses! Glad to hear you are still having a great time. Keep safe, lover xxx
Aunty Berna
Made my day hearing you were both safe. love xxx
Tania & Brad
Happy First Anniversary Jem & Sandra, we did try calling, since without a doubt you never forget our anniversary Jem...we both hope you had a great day, stay safe, take care, and most of all enjoy each other!! All our Love, Tan & brad
Kai B.w.
hey ihr,
hoffe das beben hat euch nicht merklich erwischt. hoffen von euch zu hören.