Helloooooo me luvers, us again so after a brief stop in Alaska, I mean Antarctica, hang on.........I mean Atlanta (thanks Jem) We arrive in Seattle, home to the best TV show in History - Greys Anatomy. So while I kept my eyes pealed for Dr Mcdreamy, Jem looked out for the two kind brothers who 'volunteered' to pick us up and take us back to Olympia where Tim and Lana live- they kindly let us stay in their house without them until they arrived home on the Sunday. They had left a load of food out for us, kept the hot tub bubbling and we had a double bed each! We found it pretty easy to make ourselves at home to say the least
Except until night fall when we realised it was a perfect setting for a horror movie... they are out of town and surrounded by scary trees, but the clincher was Lana's hobby of making porcelin dolls that were dotted around the house. They kept staring at me. Fact: dolls are scary
The morning after we arrived we awoke bright and early, mainly due to the 3 hour time difference from Washington but that meant we were up in time for witnessing and were able to get to know a few from the hall. A couple of brothers Josh and Leighton decided to make us feel at home and show us a pub in Lacey and so we could test out the ales. I thought it would be a good idea to mix an ale with baileys, a sort of experimental cocktail if you will but it did not look pleasant what so ever and I apologise to Leighton who ended up drinking it after much encouragement from the rest of us! We ended the evening with a spot of Go-Carting where Jem beat us all including the boys. Then we cooled off in the hot tub!
Sunday had to be the best day in Seattle though, we started with Josh, Ty and Leighton taking us 4 wheel driving. They were even brave enough to let both of us drive their mahussive trucks. Then came out the guns!!! Real life, proper, shoot you down guns but don't worry we were aiming at Clay Pigeons. Jem wasn't scared at all and hit the target first time! I was shaking but managed to hit it first time too - felt like Angelina Jollie in Tomb Raider - ha, it was great fun.
At the meeting we met so many lovely brothers and sisters, one elderly sister in paticular - Gertrude, aka candy lady was so funny she kept piling us with sweets and then when Jem commented that she liked her hair she said "thanks I brought it from the shop down the road" we wanted to take her home with us. After the meeting we went for dinner with a few from the hall where Tim and Lana joined us and we all went back to there house to play a very entertaining evening of card games and country music.
The rest of the week was spent with Tim and Lana, the boys and a few from the hall. We looked around Seattle on day, had a coffee in the first ever Star Bucks, went to Pikes Place Market where I was traumatised by the fish men throwing fake but what look remarkably real fish at me We finished our touristy day going up the space needle and watching the sun set over the Seattle Sound.
We spent another evening Go-Carting with the congregation as the boys wanted to settle the score with Jem but yet again they failed. One of the younger boys crashed really badly and ended up with tyres all over the place including one on his head, he's fine but it was very funny.
The people in Seattle really made our time there. The boys were so generous and kind and of course Tim and Lana (our American Mom and Dad) made us feel so welcome and loved. The offer to live with them is still very tempting, home made cooking, card games every night, a hot tub and there great company! We'll defiantly go back even if it's so Jem can beat the boys at Go Carting again :)
Our next stop is Vancouver, back to Oh Canada. Only a 4 hour coach ride so just enough time for a quick nap ;)
Love and Miss you all
Tars (Lara Croft) and Jem (Louis Hamilton)
P.s. Thanks to everyone who has left comments so far - It's nice to know you are with us in one way or another on our trip
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