Although we still have about two months left, we've been fighting this feeling that our trip is over. Most likely, this is because we're headed back to the States in a few days for Christmas (yay!). Still, having time to relax on the beaches of Koh Phi Phi and Phuket has given us a chance to ponder how this trip will affect our future travel.
First of all, I think we've gotten over our fear of non-english speaking countries and are looking forward to exploring Asia and South America more in the coming years. We've also realized that in order to get a truly enriching experience in these countries it's important to avoid living in a little "western bubble." Being on a tight budget has actually made that easier (haven't stayed in any Marriotts lately!), but we'll continue to look for authentic accommodation and other sorts of experiences (like street food in China, yum!).
Second, and this one is sort of a no-brainer, we've solidified the idea that we're nature people through and through. We'll definitely make sure that every trip we go on includes some natural beauty and be careful not to trap ourselves in big cities. Of course, we recognize the cultural value of cities too, so it's all about striking that perfect balance.
Another lesson we've learned is the value of slow travel. The most stressful part of traveling, in our opinion, is moving from one place to another and having to navigate new surroundings. By going slower and choosing fewer destinations, we can reduce that stress and really soak in what one place has to offer. We recently met a couple who was going to stay in Chiang Mai for two months! We don't plan on traveling that slowly, so again it's all about balance!
The last one, sort of a biggie, is that we're not afraid of traveling with kids! So many people in the States make it sound impossible that we viewed this trip as a final hoorah before taking a break to start our family. Instead, we've just affirmed our intense love of travel, can't imagine stopping any time soon, and want to offer this invaluable experience to our children as well. We've seen many traveling families, even in Asia, so we know it's possible. Pulling off this trip has really increased our confidence, so we're certain we can take on the challenges of traveling with kids in tow. I'm willing to bet that our kids will get out of the country before they get out of diapers, haha!
With all this in mind, it's nice to realize that although our "big trip" officially ends in two months, it won't really be the end!
- comments
Monica Pena That was an amazing journey you two had in these past months. I am so happy you guys let us in and tag along via this site. This will absolute enrich your lives and have a new perspective. Can't wait to see you in person and hear more about the awsome places you visited. Have a wonderful holiday and a happy New Year! Your future babysitter... ha ha ha