I'm now back in Bollon and having a break after two weeks full of work.
It started two weeks ago with a two days road trip with my boss Tom to tomoo. We had 42drums full of drench in the back of our ute and were hopefully good armed against 20.000 sheep. The trip was through three different states. The landscape changed many times from outback to outback. Sometimes it was just small grass bush landscape with some trees. Then a flat soil landscape and of course swimming grass and green trees in a ocean of red sand.
But the most dangerous part of our road trip began with the sunset. When the sun glows with the clouds in beautiful shades of red colors, the kangaroos start to get up and search for food everywhere. Also on the roads. If the frog cobbles the European streets in spring then it's in Australia the kangaroo or the emu. It can be dangerous in the night to drive fast because you have to avoid those animals if you don't have a steel bar at the front of your car. So we had no steel bar and even the car was rented. We had a lot of luck that we didn't hit any kangaroo although they jump in a zigzag in front of your car and you never know if it doesn't jump back in the last second.
In Bollon we got company by john, the manager for this place. A fat and unsympathetic guy with a mean smirk in his face. Most of us didn't like him at all because of his lazy and bossy behavior. I had a bad surprise on tomoo when i was on my way to the loo. He was sitting their with open doors, his big guts looked bigger than ever and his whole appearance reminded me of a toad. Since this event he was called king toady between us backpacker.^^
There were also mads from Denmark, Lukas from Germany and Luc from France.
So our working days began at 6 am with breakfast, 7 am driving to the shed, mustering the sheep, draft them, drench and mark the sheep and lambs, put them back in a paddock, having a smoko (break) and lunch and driving back to our accommodations at 5 or 6 where we had a shower, dinner and just fall in our beds at 9pm. The work was quiet hard and some wooly sheep had prickles in their wool. So your arms and hands had a lot of scars and bruises in the first couple of days. If you had a look on our arms you would think we have psychological problems or we are emos^^ And the prickles still hurt in the end of our work.
But beside the work there were a lot of other nice things I liked. The really cute new born lambs (wanna take one home ) the cute wallaby baby (a tiny kind of kangaroo), the beautiful landscape at sunrise and sunset and the awesome cloudless sky in the night with the blinking stars.
Now I'm on my way back to mt gambier for couple of days till I go back to bollon on 4th of September because we've done only the half of our work and need to do another 10000. I hope the work will be better next time.
So cu then next time :)
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