We ate breakfast at the hostel, bought stuff for lunch at the nearby grocery store and then set off to the main station. We caught the local train and half an hour later we were on the edge of Pompeii. After forking over the €12 entry fee, we ascended the hill and entered into the ancient city. Even from the first moments we spent in Pompeii, we knew it was worth it. We walked along the stone avenues that thousands of years ago would have been bustling with inhabitants going about their daily lives. We passed through the forum and by the ruins of temples and homes, trying to picture what it would all look like back in it's heyday. We toured through the ancient bathhouses, which have remained incredibly intact, but it was kinda ruined by the massive tour group filling every corner of the rooms. We decided to escape from the crowded touristy spots and, just like back in Venice, a couple blocks away from the main path and we were completely alone in this incredible city. We spent hours exploring through these neighborhoods, even moving a couple fences and discovering some amazing secret spots that tourists never see. Throughout Pompeii stray dogs are allowed to wander freely so every once in a while you could spot one lounging in the shade or running about the ruins (they're taken care of and you're even able to adopt one!). We sat at the top of the ancient theater, playing Rummy and amusing ourselves by watching the tour groups pass by. We visited the town brothel which contained some comfy stone beds and paintings on the walls graphically depicting the available services. One last stop at the amphitheater and we were ready to head back. Pompeii was truly something to see for yourself. It offered an incredible glimpse into life 2,000 years ago and leaving the city with Mt Vesuvius towering in the background reminds you of how quickly everything can change, how one day life is going on as normal and the next you're encased under several feet of volcanic ash. We returned to filthy Naples and since it is the home of pizza (its only redeeming factor), we grabbed some from a little pizzeria around the corner and spent the rest of the night hanging out with people from our hostel and watching the Godfather before heading to bed. With Pompeii out of the way, we have no plan for the last day of our stay in Naples but hopefully it involves more delicious pizza and not getting shot by the Mafia.
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