You heard what Jan said! How about it? You seem to have got lost in the Bermuda Triangle, hope you pop in to see us when you come to Hull to check if your house has been trashed!. Only joking! Love to you both xx
Hi guys,
What a super trip! Keep going - then drop in here again for a rest! Von will be here in November - yee-ha!
Take care, Love, Jan
Good Day to you both,
And it looks like your adventure has gone on a go-slow with nothing added since July, although you have been chilling out in Florida havn't you ?
Well enjoy the rest of your trip to wherever you might be going to and I will see you when you return in October.
Ron Ford
Hi the pair of you,
Well you will have just seen the Shuttle Launch and I bet it was a great sight. so now its onwards and upwards with your adventure. Only a couple of months to the end, doesn't time fly.
I still havn't head anything about my offers for the houses I have viewed but will keep you posted.
Hope all is well with you and will speak again sson.
Love Dad xxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks for the phone call and I am glad the two of you are allright. Enjoiy the rest of your adventure and I am certain you will be 'very' 'very'!! careful with your bits and pieces. Look forward to hearing from you again soon. Hope everything is well with Jasons Mum and the house etc etc.
Love Dad
hi jay and dawn soz havnt wrote you a message for ages-but we have spoke and caught up on the phone which was great.we are all fine plodding on with every day life like work and so on -better than work is time spent enjoying every minute with james as hes just growing up so quickly cant believe he will be 2 next month-times just whizzing by. thank you for j's fleece its lovley-and for the card really nice kind words you wrote to us just when we needed them! thank you xxx anyway hope you 2 are keeping well and still enjoying your adventures.good to get back on your site and see the fantastic pics and catch up sorry ive left it so long now.lots of love to you both keep smiling and enjoying the experience look after each other cant believe we will all see you soon enjoy the last couple of months go for it!xxxx message for paul-thank you for taking the time to edit dvd would love to see it will get your number from mike and we will be in touch.hope your ok speak soon thanks again lisa mark and jamesxxxxxx
So sorry to hear your bad news - but at least you're both safe. Hope you're enjoying Miami - we loved it, especially Ocean Drive. When do you expect to be heading home? Have just got back from our hols. We had a fantastic time - you have got to go to Vegas, you would love it. San Fransisco was lovely - a smaller version of New York but with lots of hills. New York was great and the July 4th fireworks were amazing. Unfortunately back to work now so holiday is rapidly disappearing - never mind, only 10 weeks to the next one??? Birthday was great - had a big bbq, got lots of lovely pressies and cards and got very drunk!! (Well you are only 21 once?)
Take care both of you - enjoy the last leg of your wonderful adventure - hope to hear from you soon.
Sal xxx
Oh, you poor things! But putting it into perspective I suppose you've been quite lucky to travel all those miles and this is the first incident. Always a good opportunity to update your passport photo though! Have fun in the sun and have a happy ending to a most fabulous trip. Am off for the family sabatical in France next week for two weeks - can't wait. Talk soon. Y xx
Dawn & Jay
Thanks for all the messages, we haven't been on this site for a while - too busy campervaning around NZ but we will update very soon!!! Messages are great for us - so keep them coming.
Nicky, thanks for update, your cyprus photos look ace. What a handsome family! The boys are growing up so quickly!
Dad your nuts! seen as though your so cool about the sky dive, we will book one in for you when we get back!
Paul you are even nuttier, but we love you. Whats the gen?
Yvonne my trusted mate as ever your messages make us smile and oz in nov - fab!! might come back with you we loved Perth.
Sal you should apply to work on a Holiday programme! Have a fab big birthday in USA - notice i didnt mention the age! cant wait to hear about it when i get back. Get over that ledge, you only live once.
Michael great to hear from you, good news on the america move let us know more as and when.
love you all xx Chile here we come
Hi you 2. Hope you are ok. Looking forward to reading your next adventure.
All ok here. Jake started nursery last week, he cried bless him - just hope he settles quicker than what Ben did!! Ben started his swimming lessons too, surprisingly for him he actually enjoyed himself.
Other than that usual stuff going on, got Joanne and Sharon coming for tea on Wed.
Take care love Nicky.xxxx
Havn't spoke for a while but everything fine here and I trust you are still having 'A time of it' The skydiving fotos looked great but theres nothing to it really, just like jumping off a wall !!!!
Nothing else to report at this time so enjoy, keep cool and speak soon.
That's it! Could not be doing with the sea snakes. Stuff of nightmares. Lots of love xxx