To any Teachers following this blog, I would just like to apologise for my poor spelling and grammar in the previous blog. I consider my self on report.
Jay & you doing..well clearly haveing the timeof your lives but you know what i mean. Ahh much to tell but so little time..let me next time your Skyping cause i got fill you in on few things that was my face when i found out what i did...all will be revealed. Work is cool and the house is progressing, this sunny/rainy combination of weather means eavery thing at the back has shot up and needs some attention, the front is still well manicured but it's a lot to keep on top of. Work had me down in London for two days twice in three weeks and must confess to living out of a suitcase on my return!! Actually before i start to ramble i'll draw this in and email you.
Lisa and Mark..i need to get in touch with, have meant to for ages. The video i took of James' christening i've edited it and transfered it to DVD. I've made you a few copies for you to pass onto releatives. Jay mentioned that he'd been sending Mini DV tapes but you not been able to watch them yet. Again i can sort those out for you if you like and put them onto DVD's as i have the editing suite and equipment. I don't want to post my mobile or email but check with your Mum or Micheal they should still have my number.
Jay & Dawn..apologies for hijacking your blog!!
take care, safe travels...see you in a few months....young grasshopper!!
Hi you two. Still sounds like you're having a great time. The sky diving sounds brilliant (not that I'd ever have the nerve to do it). You have had so many wonderful experiences, you'll be able to dine out on them for ever more. Only 5 weeks to go before we go to America - have booked a flight over the Grand Canyon. Andy's hoping to go out on the new glass ledge - but I'm not altogether convinced?? Going to Portugal for a week in September with 'the family' & we have booked to go to Florida again next Feb - so looks like I'll have to keep working?? Keep on having a great time - stay safe. Lol Sal xx
Hi you 2 ski-diving nutters. How fab! Bit higher than my parapenting off a mountain! Guess what! Booked to go to Oz in November! Isn't it fab! Perth and MR here I come! Keep in touch and keep sending the news. Y xxx
whats up jason, see from your photos that you are both enjoying your selfs which is good to see. everyone from thisside are all good, i should be moving to america soon just thinking about what uni to go to. but now i have your web address i can msg you more often. msg when you have time michael
Hi to the both of you,
Thanks for the 'text' message on 9th May and I bet you really enjoyed your tandem parachute jump, although at the time it was happening it must have been scary. However, feet back on terra firma you can look back on it and think how wonderful and exhilirating it was. I am looking forward to seeing the video of it. Your photo board looks fantastic with over 1,500 photos to look it. Something lovely to look back on in your old age eh !!!!
Take care
Lurve Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Jay And Dawn
Hi All
Just to let you know we are both safe and well. We are travelling New Zealand in a campervan at moment and when we get the chance and can be bothered! ha ha too busy enjoying nz scenery and life, we will update the web. We have put photos of fiji on so have a look, text will follow shortly.
Everything is fine here, house sale going well, no more news at the moment.
Enjoy your travelling
Love Dad
Hi to you both hope you are both well and still enjoying your adventures-looks like you are by the pictures.
we are all fine well almost james had a visit to a+e on saturday after falling on his arm in marks sisters garden-he hasnt broke anything just badly bruised and sprained it still concerned though as hes not using it very well at all and is crying alot with it-back at work tomorrow after easter break so going to have a chat to our physio about it see what she thinks but he is feeling sorry for himself bless him.
Thought of you guys last week as i ventured to alton towers without mark was remembering our visit there last easter-you will be pleased to know unlike mark i didnt get lost i was following friends but even so we got there in record time-i had a car full of kids james loved it all the noise the laughing and singing.we had a brilliant time took aaron who was really dissapointed you two werent there as he didnt get to go on all the big rides he did go on some but not all-he needed two mad youngsters to keep him company in the ques and egg him on.easter hols hav been fantastic ive had two weeks off work and me and james have been out everyday you name it and weve done it parks -farms etc oh and of course we had to go to merryhill a few times! dont want to go back to work but at the same time think i need to to have a break.mark did have some time off with us too-that was good spent time with mom and dave in bridge north seeing how the house is progressing think you two will be back before they move in!
was lovely to speak to you both recently on the phone enjoyed hearing some of your funny stories no doubt you have lots more to tell us by now.anyway got to go now as wont get up in the morning for when james calls "mommy" on the monitor followed by "daddy milk" thats him telling me to get up and mark to get his drink of milk for him oh and some mornings we have "nannie""nannie" oh hes a little character now cant wait for you to see him you and miss you take care and keep enjoying always lisa mark and a big kiss from jamesx
You are still obviously enjoying yourselves and I hope everything is going well for you. Don't forget iof you need any help just ask ???
I finished a course in Salisbury last Friday and my house was sold on Saturday. 4 couples viewed it and all offered the asking price, and it went to the last couple who have already sold their house.
Gary and Lindsey brought Sam to see me on Sunday and we went out for lunch, and Sam is really good at talking. He loves me to bits and keeps saying Banga (his pronunciation of Granda) )come with me to see something.
I am now off on my last management course to Salisbury today 16 Apr and I will be back in my office on Thursday when I have a visit from Senior Line Manager from Edinburgh.
Take care
Love Dad
Yvonne Wilkinson
What do you mean - I am one of the biggest chocoholics you know! You must have seen me eating a full choc orange to myself last night! Sounds like you 2 are still giving it 110 %. How are you going to cope with normality when you get back. Went back to France ski-ing week before last and there was still LOADS OF SNOW! That's definitely it for this year though -what a shame! Have been invited to Jan's 60 in Margaret River in June, don't you wish you were still there! Don't think we'll be making it. Going to Spain for a week in May then got a French holiday booked with all family in July, and a long weekend in Hungary for a wedding at end of August - so pretty chocca! Lovely to read all about your adventures, lots of love to you both. xxxx