Ok, so whats new??
umm.... I am now 29!! it was my birthday 2 days ago, and thanks for all the messages, and the cards, to those who sent them- really nice to get cards, wasnt expecting that!!
We are still in Sydney, still working!! Did a real long week last weeek, with rubbish hours!! did a 2-10pm one day, that wasnt fun!! and a couple of 11-8pm, that wasnt much fun either! but hey, we need the money!!
inbetween working we have done a few other things, went to an AFL game, that was a lot of fun, went to the Chinese gardens, they were really cool, wandered across the harbour bridge, that was nice too!!
Its been great weather until today as well- unfortunately it is raining today, thats no good!! and England look like they are gonna throw away the ashes, thats no good either!!
Had a good birthday tho, thanks to Lisa, she did lots of little surprises, starting with me waking up to birthday posters, and pictures pinned up around the flat!
Plus she bought me a Sydney Fc top, which is really cool! The footy season has started over here now, Sydney won their first game 3-2 against Robbie Fowlers North Queensland team. The next match is this sunday, and we are hoping to go along, so that should be cool- I am missing watching football!!
Not too much to report, now we are working, as we spend most the time in work!! only doing 3 days this week, so have had a few days off!! Went to Bondi Junction yesterday, and looked around the shops, and did all the boring things associated with a flat- tidying, cleaning, washing etc. Was a productive, but boring day- the downside of having your own place!!
Hope all is ok at home, about to upload some pics- (about time!) some of them may be already on here, but in an internet cafe, so cant be assed to go through everything too much!!
The plan at the moment is to work for the nexr 2-3 weeks, then have a week or so to finish sightseeing, there is still a few things we havent seen- and then leave Sydney once our flat lease ends in Septemeber and then head up the East coast. we have about a month or so to do that, then on to asia- hope to try and do Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. so that should be fun!!
Speak soon!!
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