So I'm in Prague now. Took an overnight train and got here at 6am. On my last day in Budapest I visited the Buda var and this nice park that had a castle and a festival going on. I just lay in the grass there for like an hour. Then I went back to the hostel and said goodbye to everyone there, it was a small hostel so I really got to know everyone.
In the train station in Prague I met a dutch guy who decided to tag along with em to my hostel. He is even more laidback than me with the whole situation. He never knows where he's going until he gets to the city-I at least book the hostel beforehand. So far everyone in the hostel is asleep (considering its 8 in the morning) but it seems like a pretty big hostel.
Anyway, I'm gonna grab some food and go explore the city now. Love you all (yes Babi even you lol).
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