So I'm in Vienna now but I gotta update you all on yesterday's mini fiasco (someone else's not mine). I was still hanging out with the dutch guy (his name is Rob) and me and him and this girl Erica went to the Prague Castle...this time all the way...and climbed 279 steps to the top of St. Vitus' Cathedral...killed my calves...I think they are shredded. The view was worth it though. Then Rob was gonna be late for his train so we go back to the hostel (which is about 20 minutes away from the city) and grab the tram to the station and he was running and everything. And he would have made his train but we were at the wrong station. We decided to go to the supermarket and get dinner (yogurt, cookies and chips was my dinner). Then he made his train the second time and then I had to catch mine. I decided to come here instead of Krakow so I took an overnight train to Munich and then from there to here...I've slept 1 hour in the past 31 hours and I'm still wired. Guess thats what traveling does to you....don't worry Dad, I got my Vitamin C!
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