#71, 72 and 73 - Dark Star Hopshead, Double Four and Samuel Smith Wheat Beer (England) - Started off the day with Soho walking tour (music/bohemian/red light district) of London. Then popped into two pubs for a beverage and then lunch. Very nice. Then went to Churchill Museum which was interesting - he was a witty guy - there was a computer with some of his quotes the best two were - woman minister says "if you were my husband I would poison your drink" Churchill says "if you were my wife I would drink it" and when canvassing on street for votes a resident says "Vote for you, I would rather vote for the devil" so Churchill says "so if your friend does not run can I count on your vote" gold!! If that is not class enough finished it off with a touch more of class by seeing theatre - 1984. Good little day in London Town.
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