We need to clear customs to leave the Grenada group to enter the Grenadine St. Vincent group. What a long winded experience customs is. What should have taken 15 minuets took over one hour.
Then off we go to Petit St. Vincent only one hour cruising north. Here we must clear into customs, but they send an agent from union island to collect our papers and passports, so this is a simple process.
Next to Petit St. Vincent, is Petit Martinique which has a beautiful anchorage, ( it is a different country only one mile apart). Both islands are very small with white sandy beaches and aqua water.
It's Janet's 54th birthday, we have a beautiful steak dinner. Paul has bought Janet a kite, which is a favourite activity amongst the natives. MB has replaced Janet's Black Pearl with a beautiful large one. It is a beauty.
After dinner, fish are teeming around the lights. With light tackle and light lures we land one trevally after another. We scoop bait fish into our small net which we will fry the next night.
Tuesday morning we cruise across to union island, about 20 minuets away. We anchored in the harbour of the capital, Clifton. This town has a slightly rough edged charm. It is very colourful with lots of small cafes and boutiques, fresh fruit and vegetable stores. We find a really good boutique with lots of local art and jewellery. We buy colourful local dolls for the granddaughters. Walking down the small Main Street, we came across a local sound of a conch shell being blown into, announcing fresh fish had just come in.
We found a crowd around a man selling small jack fish. As it seemed popular we had to buy some and were told by a friendly lady to cook them in a spicy broth.
We took lots of photos because of the interesting looking people, colourful buildings and signs.
While having lunch we head off to Tobago Keys.
JB ad Mick
- comments
[email protected] Good stuff M ' n JB. After all those fairly fruitless hours spent in the med trying to snare a fish or squid ... You know how much I enjoy night /light fishing ....your message is a real tonic to me.