Well that's it folks... I have no idea where all the time has gone. It's ridiculous!!! I got back from Kendwa on Monday and spent my last week in Stone Town suffering from "24 hour malaria" or so I like to think. Spent a lot of time with the "Work the World" peeps in Mbweni, at the beach, and in Dharma Lounge (my favourite bar in Zanzibar!).
I bought about 50 bongo fleva songs which I'm presently bopping along to quite happily. I love the music from this part of the world - it's just so happy! Had to say goodbye to Tina and Carolyn, the two Scottish girls, on Thursday which was slightly emotional. Then I said bye to most of the guys last night but two of the girls came to see me off at the airport which was pretty nice of them!
Zanzibar airport is an absolute shambles and I'm not sure why Kenya Airways want to operate from it considering their motto is "Pride of Africa". I had to pay 30 dollars for the service of leaving the country but to be quite honest the service was diabolical. I had to step over the counter to get into departures, pick up my bag after it had been checked in to make sure it got on the flight, and get numerous stamps. They are clearly adopting that common Kiswahili phrase "pole pole" (slowly slowly) as their motto.
I'm finding it hard to pass the time in this airport - there is absolutely NOTHING to do except sit on the internet or drink coffee.
Oh and I don't have any souvenirs this time - I just couldn't bear the thought of spending more money and dragging them all home in one really crappy bag. Never again...
P.S. See you all very soon - if any of you are still reading this!
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