Hi j and marc. hope you are both doing ok, well thats mum and dad away, looking after the dog he is not that well it hard, missing ya loads , got your new number so will give you a text might phone you this weekend. the photos are fab, printed some off . missing ya. have fun love ya emo xx
arite gents and jamie, just sat for the past hour lookin at your photos, although it looks good canna beat cuttin tees and flymoin bunkers like! ha ha. that half moon place looked quality.well its now 21 29 and am away to go to bed as work the morn. keep in touch when ya can. catch ya's
Big Gents, you've went down in my estimation, scared of an elephant!!! but back up with the addition of the guitar.
Brilliant photo's, looks amazing... I'm so jealous of the pair of you's, keep up the good work. Take Care G, X
Well, you two have packed in sooooo much in a week!!!! Loving the pix of the elephants, the temples (so much gold!!), the countryside, and you two! So sad that the White Elephant is no longer with us...but the grey ones arn't that bad. I'm off on my hol's on Wednesday...Berlin for a week. Not quite Thailand!!! Take care and keep conquering XX
Hey u 2!! Sounds great, uv done loads already and ur just there-amazing! Luv the pics, keep them coming. Craig and i miss u- J its very quiet without u hun!! Got the promotion by the way, great! More money but more work! Ce la vie! 4 days to Canada!!!! Take care. Lin xxxx
Maureen Ewen
Hi Guys
Great pics and sounds like an amazing jouney so far. Nothing new hear. Kiel is sitting his driving test on Friday (21.09.07). George and I are off to Skye not quite the same as where you have been but hey the best we can hope for is NO rain. Jodie is fine, liking 5th year and seems to be doing well. She ahd a NABs exam for Bioligy and got 80% (A pass). Hopefully this will continue. Not much more info, take care look after one and another.
XXXX Maureen
Hi Jamie & Marc, Just surfed in to see how you are getting on. Looks like you are having a great time, Take care and be careful out there !
Just checked out your phoaties, looks AMAZING! Loads to tell you, Mia and I been having a few adventures! ;) will email all details. Missing you both. All our love, Staci and Mushroom. Sxx
The Jeembot
Arite u lucky people
Looks magic, jealous as f*ck! Hope yer havin' a ball. Fried cockroach still sounds better than just plain old fried cock
Right, have a laugh, keep pinchin yersels and take it all in!
Luv and miss ye both xx
Tigerwolf is whimperin all through the night!!
Hello darlings!!!
the photos look amazing but i wouldn't trust that woman that sells small animals as far as i could throw her! (i wonder i she sells small people 2 eh james..freak out time ha ha)!
Take care you yourself, and each other xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello Guys!!!!
Just been looking through your pics and I am SO EXCITED! We leave 4 weeks on Monday - can't wait to get out there! Take lots of care until we catch up with you both xx
Hi, just looking at your photos, they look great! Fried cockroach, yuck!