hi how are you i'm missing you lots by the look of the blog you're having a great time can't wait to see you when you come back !. I suppose you never seen the scotland italy game so close to drawing 1-1 but italy scored 90th minuete just so unlucky,anyway we're still happy and we're hoping that you are still happy lots of love stephanie xxxxx fraser xxxxx
G'day mates! Looks fab, jeso should have hid the pics of the goats though Bry will be over like a shot ha ha! Cracking up with your blogs.............loving the massive fat groper! Just looks like your both so child oooot!! Cheers for the phone call you were a wee bit more sober than last time.........................well! Love ya loads and see yaz soon! Counting down xxxxx
Simone Brysom
Love the camper, bit brighter than ours haha! Looks like you are having a great time on the road! Lots of love, Simone xx
Hey babes. Loving Bess, she is a beauty! Uz sound like you are having a brilliant time. Woo hoo!! Reminding me of all the camper vans you see travelling about, he he. Must be getting really hot over there. Been pouring with rain this week, crap. Thanks for the phone call Jamie, so annoyed i missed you. Brookes party was a really good night, everyone loving the dance floor. Missed having uz there thou. Mhairi's bday this weekend so having a night out in Montrose. Keep having fun and hopefully speak to u soon. Lots of love and hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The Craw Family
loved the latest batch off photos. aussie looks beautiful especially the weather. cold and damp here. mark that haircut has taken a couple of years of you, gary going for haircut tonight. we are all doing fine.....love yous both...take care. xxxx
Wow,Wow,Wow, No news, then,loads of news. Spectacular pictures,great up-date on your blog. Sanity...Bess is the real deal,Wicked!!!!!!!!! Im loving it. How barren is that land? Those pinnacles, pure NATURE,amazing. The beaches & bays r fantastic, such beautiful blue skies&clear water,fabulous. Its dark here by 4 30 yuch.... M&J looking good in the diving gear. Shell beach,like it. No flowers in your hair yet Jamie? Im enjoying Aussie to ,,,,,,,,,,YOU TWO, WONDERFUL. Lots of love,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Whey Hey, Welcome back. Living the dream or what........... Blog Rules, Loving all your news,Get the pictures of the camoer van on,cant wait to see it, Why Bess?????? New pictures are brill, becoming, quite the photographers.........no end to your skills!!!!!!!!! Bet they made a wig out -o-all that hair they took of MARC, He He!!!! You both look amazing, good to see Steve&Kate too. Scotland the Brave, really thought we were gonna do it, oh well!!! Keep on Dancing, Big Hugs XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Ma & Pa Craig
Hey U Guys....loving the new update, about time too and great pics as always...keep them coming!!!
Loving the new hairdo Marc!!
Look after each other xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hey troops,
Loving the latest update have been checking back for last wee while....loving your work !!
Hope your both well and having a blast all is good at this end
Take care
Maureen Ewen
Hi Guys
hope you are both well. Not mch hepeenign hear apart from boring work as usual. I am off DTTO work at the moment working on the Court desk. Was out to lunch with Shona last week, she said you can skype so can we I was talking to my sister in Canada last week it is a great tool. Shona and I are going to have an afternoon off together, go for lunch,glass of wine then shopping, Yes Jamie we will go shopping as it will be a school day for Ryan so need to be sensible. whatever that meansHa Ha. Going out for a meal with Val and her hubbie this weekend then out every weekend until Xams, for an oldie I manage to get out quite a bit. Hope to hear more and see more photo's of your journey. Take care of each other xx maureen
Helloooooooo, Its like you have disappeared of the face of the earth, then again, I suppose thats what the out-back is like! Just sounds amazing, "WATCH THOSE CROCS"!!! You both always sound so excited and in great form, so good. Cant wait for the next BLOG instalment. Trying to trace your steps via computer,not to sucessful so far, persevering though, I WILL GET THERE....................HOPEFULLY, MISS YOU LOADS, KEEP ON DANCING, & loads of brechin love.XXXXXXXXXXX
Phyl Burnett & Sam Jackson
Holla Jamie!! (and Marc) Finally peeked into your blog lass. Wow you guys are having a blast! Great to see your adventures and pictures too. Work is still dull and boring so don't stay away too long okay? Love and best wishes from Phyllis and Sam at Outpatients, Arbroath Infirmary :) xxx