Hey Kids
Sorry its been so long, we ended up staying in Koh Phangan for 12 nights. A little more than expected but it was Paradise, lots of white sandy beaches with warm sea water no deeper than waist high for at least a few hundred meters, great cheap restaurants and some pumping nightlife when required.
When we arrived there on the Tuesday 18th October we had a quiet night went out for some grub to a top notch restaurant and it cost us about 6 quid, not bad! On the Wednesday we done a try dive in the morning which was a taster of diving just in the pool to see if you like it or not. Both of us were a little apprehensive but thought F**k it lets give it a go, so we booked up and our first day was going to be Friday 21st of October.
So for a few days prior to our dive we decided to rent a motorbike (scooter) and went for a tour of the Island. When we went to rent it there was no question about driving license or anything like that it was just a case of "you ride before" and I said " yes" got the keys and off we went, well we heard a few horns getting blasted think they were pointed in my direction, took a little while to get my balance but after a few hours touring the island i had cracked it, or so i thought. We were on our way to this bar "Amsterdam" which is situated on top of a hill, a rather large hill and had a little concrete single track path going up to it. I had the throttle full ding trying to get up this hill and forgot to steer the bike round the corner, ended up straight off the road into a big pile of stones and off the bike, IDIOT only to find out the bar never opened till 4pm. (yeah and Jamie was killing her self laughing).
That night was the night of the Half Moon party its a warm up party for the full moon, its just a massive dance party in the jungle with loads of glow sticks and all that, Think there was around 5000 people it started at 12 and went on till 12 the next day but we never lasted, I think your meant to pace yourself but we or should I say "I" never, as you can see by the photos I was a little worse for wear, Jamie had fun though taking many pic's of me intoxicatied on the bed looking like I was playing the Guitar! Well we didn't get home that night until the back of 5am so as you could imagine the next day was just a lazy day on the beach catching a few rays.
Friday 21st of October we were starting our Padi Diving course which was 3 days to become PADI certified divers, in the morning it was classroom work, we watched videos and then completed a few tests, it was like being back at school! Lunch then into the pool to Prepare you for what you would have to do in the sea to pass your padi, things like filling your mask with water and emptying it, taking your mask of and swimming around then putting it back on, (which i was rubbish at) probably something to do with not opening my eyes under water! We also had to get the correct buoyancy on the bottom of the pool and finally we had to pretend to run out of air and share a buddys (Jamie's) air etc etc...It was lots of fun, and we had a great laugh in the pool! Its was no drink diving allowed so it was a quiet night just out for tea then home.
Saturday was an early rise we had to meet at 7am to gear up and leave at 7.30am, on the boat for 8am and an hour or so journey to our first destination which was Sail Rock, best dive site on the gulf of Thailand and top 25 dive site in the world.
We were both feeling very nervous, however our dive instructor Dex (French Canadian) was a top guy and kept us going, the first dive was just to get a feel for the sea and get used to it, thankfully no tasks under water. The dive lasted for just over half an hour, it was pretty special, infact it was out of this world, just like been thrown in a huge Aquarium. We seen thousands of fish and the sea world had facinated us both. Jamie says she felt like she was at home watching in on the TV.... Anyway, when we got back on the boat we were both getting excited about our next dive, as we took all our equipment off Dex told us to jump back in the sea????? STRANGE, why would we do that with no life jacket?? Well it turns out that for part of your Padi you need to do 3 laps around the boat and tread water for 15 Min's, we thought he was joking at first but no this was part of our Padi!!
So of we went into the sea, Jamie who ain't the strongest swimmer was struggling to move against the current, and was getting a bit destressed! I thought i was gonna have to use some toe moves to help her back to the boat but thankfully we both managed. After a bite to eat we set sail to our second dive site which was at a place called San Ran Pinnacle. Once in the water at San Ran we had to do our first 5 tasks, 1. half fill mask with water and clear 2. fill mask with water and clear 3. take mask off whilst under water of course, put back on and clear it. 4. find neutral Buoyancy and then 5. do some flips! All went swimmingly so after a 35 minute dive we were back to the boat, although Jamie wasn't to pleased as i was using a shed load of air compared to her, and when 1 in the group runs out its everyone to the surface. After a 2 hour trip back ashore we were back at the resort totally whacked, It was a quiet night and an early rise again on Sunday.
Sunday morning was another 7 o'clock start and again Sail Rock was the first dive site, this time the weather was so beautiful, the waves were huge the boat was smaller the rain was pelting down and i was feeling sea sick, Nice. Once we were in the water it wasn't so bad. Still 28 degrees underwater so can't really complaine! This time there were another 5 tasks 1. take your B.C.D ( life jacket and all equipment) off in the sea and put it back on. 2. Snorkel regulator exchange 3. pretend you ran out of air under water and share your buddies air 4. & 5. were different towing techniques.....
Again the dive was amazing, lots of fish, Jamie was attacked by some sea urchent and her finger was pricked, cause you loose colour under water and red is the first to go, it made Jamie's blood look green, mad. The air was lasting a little longer the dive was 45 mins. The boat set sail and left for a Shark dive which we weren't allowed to do, Boo Hoo!!! Supposedly they seen loads of sharks, never mind maybe next time.
After that it was off to our last dive site, Shark Island there were no sharks here, its called that because the island is in the shape of a fin. There was only one task to do this dive which was controlled emergency decent, Pretty basic swim to the top in a superman position shouting Aaaahhhhh. After that it was a free dive, we see loads of fish and some cool coral that was like small Christmas trees, anytime you swam too near they would hide. Jamie got stung by a jellyfish on the back of the leg Ouch, looked rather sore. This dive lasted just over an hour, once on the boat it was a 2 hour trip back to land, on the way back we sat our final exam, which had some rather difficult math, we managed though and both passed....HURRAH, so we are pleased to announce that we are now official PADI certified divers, Mon the G.B.R or as kerso would say G.B.H.
After a few hard days diving and NO drink we done bit of sunbathing in the morning then hit the pool bar in the afternoon, nothing like a Monday session, (while you are all at work) he he he. We had a few hours at the pool bar we went to another bar called Amsterdam its the highest point on the island to watch the sun set B.E.A utifull. A well deserved day on the lash.
Tuesday 25ht of October was a chill day in preparation for the full moon party. Wednesday night was the full moon, one of the biggest beach parties in the WORLD there is normally between 10000 and 30000 people depending on the season. I cant really remember seeing anyone there!! (Photos to come). Before the full moon we went to a bar called "EDEN" this was Steve, Lynsey, Becky and Buck's local when they were there for a couple of months. When we went in we told him who we were and that they were our friends, he was rather excited to say the least... free drinks and a great welcoming! He says to say a big HELLO and really really wants to see you guys again. This Tree top paradise for us was far better than the full moon party, the people, the setting, the backdrop like from a movie, everything was AMAZING! The full moon party was a good experience as well though.
After a few lazy days spent at Eden we joined Geng and the gang on a boat trip round the island to a few secluded beaches, some waterfalls, and we also did a spot of fishing, marvellous day and the best end our trip in Koh Phangan. So on Sunday the 1st of October we were picked up at 7.30am to board our ferry. Ahead of us was a full day travelling. Of to our new destination, and next big adventure.....
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