Hello Bloggers,
Could things have gotten any worse now that we had reached Copacabana?
Saturday 18th July, I had woke up at 2 am and was feeling REALLY ill, I was on the toilet the rest of the night and all Saturday. Both ends were spewing!! Sorry if that is too much info, but both the toilet and sink were FULL all night, thank god we got a hotel with private room!!! I was in so much pain that Jamie thought I might need a doctor! Jamie managed to get me some medication, but I was unable to keep ANYTHING down so we called the Doc who advised I be taken to hospital! So Jamie packed me a bag and off we went by taxi to a Bolivian hospital. I was so sick that I was not bothered, but Jamie was a bit apprehensive.
We arrived at the hospital and I swear it was like walking back in time, about 50 years, although terrible hospital corners on the beds!! The Doc was really good and said it sounds like a severe food poisoning so the best thing would be to get Marc on a drip...At this point Marc was begging for some sort of pain relief, he is not a good patient that's for sure!! (oh and he also asked to get his pic taken whilst ill on the drip, I clearly refused as he looked AWFUL)
They immediately put him on a drip and administered lots of antibiotics, anti sickness, and pain killers as well as some fluids. He needed two bags which showed how much he had lost..... Poor Markie :(
We spent the rest of the day in hospital and Marc started to feel slightly better. I took Marc back to the hotel room to let him rest that evening, as I went and did some emailing etc and had a wander around the town of Copa and bought Marc some more drugs! They prescribed us about 8 different drugs to take for the next 5 days...MAD!
Sunday 19th July - Non eventful day, Marc still in bed unwell so it was a day full of T L C and hot water bottles... :(
Monday 20th July - Marc was feeling a bit better so we took in the sights of Copacabana...Its very small so you can see it in a day. Not much to say as we were taking things easy as Marc was still fragile. Time was slipping away so although Marc was not 100% we thought it would be a good idea to book the bus for Cusco and get back on the road. Sorry Agnes we know you wanted us to be 100% well before hitting the road again but as you know we both get bored easily and could not wait to get to Peru...Disculpa! Mam and Pops hope you enjoyed your wonderful holiday whilst we were sick ha ha...I know your advise would have been the same as Agnes, thats why we didn´t inform you when we were ill!! We must keep moving!!
Tuesday 21st July, I was feeling much better so we had a walk around Copacabana then boarded our bus late afternoon to head to Cusco. The bus left at 5pm (Bolivian time) we had to get a mini van to the Peruvian border, do all the border crossing stuff then boarded a bus which took us to Puno. From Puno we changed to a connecting bus to Cusco. It was the middle of the night in Puno and and when we went to get on the bus for Cusco the lady asked for our tickets which we gave her, they never had a "departure TAX stamp" on them (hidden costs AGAIN) which cost $2, as we had no money I went to the cash machine but the card was rejected? So the lady wouldn´t let us on without paying at bloody 2am!! Luckily a French dude paid it for us.
Copacabana was a bit of a night mare for us as we never got out onto Lake Titcaca or any of the Islands with being so ill. Never mind these things happen and we cant complain as neither of us have been sick the whole year we have been away! We arrived safe and well in Cusco at 5.30am and checked into our hostel.
We didn`t think much of the bank card not working as we had pennies in the bank and its happened before when the bank update their computers etc during the night....However this time it was a different story! Things CAN only get better...Surely??
Later dudes
MJWG & JMC xxxx
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