NAMASTE! (according to google that is Indian for hello!)
Glad you got there safe and sound - how was flying through the night? and the food?!! Miss you both already, feel I may be frequenting this page ALOT over the next year.
Beano - enjoy your frst time out of the continent of Europe!! (am I the only McGrory left not to leave Europe - how upsetting!)
Love you x
hi Roisin
Good to hear you reach India safely. What are your first impressions...were u overwhelmed with all the masses of people, the heat, culture, smells, traffic espeically the beeping of horns, drivers dont signal im afraid! You'll get used to the annoying noise.. take care and enjoy exploring india.
Bali x
hi, rois james, oh well if all went to plan you took off 19 minutes ago, great to look at the party photos, hope you enjoyed it we certainly did, take care both and have a great time, keep in touch
love apmt. x
hi pie
Bonjour to both Rois and James :o)
As promised, I made a mental note of your fab website. One day to go and you'll be off, off and away! Hope that the last minute prep and packing is going well. Hope that you both enjoyed your Bon Voyage party. You both looked beautiful!
Love and hugs x x
Bonjour to both Rois and James :o)
As promised, I made a mental note of your fab website. One day to go and you'll be off, off and away! Hope that the last minute prep and packing is going well. Hope that you both enjoyed your Bon Voyage party. You both looked beautiful!
Love and hugs x x
Helloooooooo! That's right, I'm not doing subtitles as I should be, I'm checking out your site! Hopefully speak to you both tomorrow at some point before you go...your flights in the evening right? So maybe give us a text when you're wasting time in the airport and 26 Crookes road will give you a ring...MISS YOU! xxx
To roisin and james (see what i did there rois?!)
Just wanted to say, although you havent gone yet, im missing you both already and its an order that you come back safe and sound. Hope you have a magical time out in the big wide world, you are gunna have just a simply amazing time.
So rois keep james in check for me, i hope his way with early times for going places doesnt get too annoying, and james, rois is a female so do as she says, for she is always right.
I love you both and hope all will be amazing.
Good luck and good bye!!
ps. thanks again for the party i had a ball! and the pictures of dad are cracking, well done!
"To Infinity .... And Beyond!" You've been reading Aidy's programme notes again, that's in there every week. Take Care... enjoy..have fun!
Brian & Bernie
Hi Rois & James (even though he's lying under the duvet in his room just behind me!!),
First visit just to check the site!! Have a wonderful time!
Just wanted to be one of the first to say have a wonderfully safe, amazing, life changing, fantastic, magical journey.
I hope you will both look after each other and enjoy everyday on your travels!
Roisin, i will miss you terribly at work, thank you for all your smiles and laughter at work, i hope you keep in touch and.....if you return to the UK!!! I would love to meet up for a cuppa and a natter.