A very Happy St Patrick's Day Eve ! Hope the green curry was prepared with Paddy's day in mind. We will raise a few glasses to you both tomorrow.
Having a lazy weekend,a bit quiter than last weekend.Weather awful wind and rain.Loads of people asking for you both.
Managed to finish the cake on Friday.Took it to work where it was well received,pity its not nearer my birthday !
Love to you both
Richard & Judith
Hi both......
Glad to hear you have made it safely to India. Sounds interesting!!!!! Look forward to many more stories from you. All well here although supporting Leeds is not good for your health!!!
Have fun.......
Richard & Judith xx
Simon, Lucy And Jacob
Good to hear from you. Have lots of fun, enjoy travelling and keep writing. We love to hear all yours stories, although they make us long to travel again! One bit of advice- avoid the spicy somosas!!
Take care
Si, Lu and Jakey xxx
Rois And James
hi all
intenet connection is slow so haven't put all photos up - just taster. May have to wait until Aus to have the luxury of broadband!
had tour of delhi today, very good
until later xxxx
Bernie & Brian
Great to read that you've both arrived safely........& so the experience begins, sounds very exciting. Would love to have seen James' face at the ATM, bad enough when I asked him to pay for a programme at Watford!!
Good farewell afternoon, but one or two may have been a bit dehydrated afterwards!
Take care.......
Can't believe you've actually gone and left me at work!!!! But so pleased that you have arrived safely and are having the time of your lives!!!
Keep in touch, take care of each other
Miss you loads
Nat xx
Hey you guys! I cannot believe you've gone, miss you :-( But it sounds amazing already. Look after each other because we will need you back safely after your big adventure!
Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dad, i've just sent you an email xx
oh my gosh Delhi sounds amazing!!!! and hillarious! cows and three legged dogs! wowowowwowowowo! the car journey sounds just how it was in egypt! the beeping of the horn constantly, yes! why do they do that????is it like 'im coming yp behind you BEWARE'???
i was so pleased to hear you had arrived safe and sound, and was so grateful for our final words. you are a love. HAVE SO MUCH FUN EXPLORING and seeing, and doing. i keep checking bbc weather to see whts its like where you are, get that factor on girl, or if your anything like me get the oil on! aha hah hah ha
love you both xxxx
Rois And James
thank you for all your messages - they really do mean a lot. We'll write a wee blog now to keep you updated.
love love love xxxxxxx
ps - those sums hey?!
Mum & Dad Mcg
Hi Rois & James
Thanks for early morning text announcing your arrival in Delhi. Really looking forward to hearing about your first impressions,the heat, jet lag, your 4* hotel, etc. Home is very strange and quiet today, miss you so much around the house. Hope you are checking out St Paddy's Day celebrations there and find an Irish pub!
Love to you both
Mum & Dad XX
I think Mum and Dad might have to make a few batches of Rice Krispie cakes as they could be a bit chewy after a year without Smosh-be snacking on them! I have tried to write on here a few times today but have felt the tears coming - seriously, it's been worse than I was with Love Story! Hope day one has gone well, can't wait to hear all. Have gone to text you about five times already today with stories! It will sink in soon I'm sure. Have a fantastic time both! Email soon!
Love you xxx P.S - Can you ask them to make the security sums on here a bit easier please. I found it quite taxing at the end of a day at work!xx