So glad your travels are going well everything looks and sounds wonderful. We all love looking at your photos and new blogs!
We had a great time in New York - plenty to do and see. Loved Top of the Rock, Empire State Building, did a day cruise on the Hudson River, shopped in Times Square, broadway ..... the list goes on! Brilliant city would definitely visit again.
Looking forward to your next blog etc...
Safe Journey!! Enjoy!!
Dohertys Fahan....
oh and pps, rois, I was biking through my village t'other day (that's right, I was on a bike!) and Colours of the Wind came on my i-pod and it took all my concentration not to sing it at the top of my voice in a recreation of your party! That song will always remind me of you now! xx
Why does my email tell me there are new photos and there's not? Confused! I got excited!
Hope all's well, loved your blog James, check out you and your crime defying ways! The rest of our house (well mainly Brad, H is off skiing so can't really blame her) are rubbish at reading your blogs so I've been relaying them to one and all, makes me kinda feel I'm there with you rather than spending all the day in the IC! Starting to feel like home now, quite scary!
Oh, and were thinking about our many weeks of awesome post exams pre leaving sheffield and talking about inviting the gang over so if you wanna book your flights now that'd be great yeh?
Love love love. xxx
ps, niamh, that episode is a killer, gets me every time!
I watched the Ally McBeal were Billy dies last night - so upsetting, still after all these years - I can't believe it! It was as bad as when the Ice House in Dawson's Creek burns down and Joey had to turn her dad into the police! Sad times those 90's dramas!
Love you x
Gaye Nd Maebh
Hey there! Just checkin out Mum's oul emails and checked up on your last blog. Wowzees! Yous really have been about the place. Mr. Magoo sounds like fun, he misses you Rois. All the gang sey Hey!! Keep up the blog, we'll keep checkin up or yous
Love from Buncrana Xoxo
Tessa And Colin
Here we are at No. 38 enjoying a G & T with your Mum &Dad and have just seen your marvellous pictures. You've done such a lot already. Here we are expecting snow at the w/e so think of us. Just keep on enjoying it all.
Love from us both.
Hi Both
How's the sunbathing going?
Your struggles with Delhi's finest do you credit James. All those nights jostling for position (to throw up) at Neils Tasty Barf Bar really paid off! I'm longing to see Mr Magoo - tall, dark and fly-ridden! Sounds like features from someone's seamy past! hope little tummy issues are all done with now. Lots of sleep and relaxation will see you right.
Love xxxxxx
Jim, I'm assuming that when you retrived your wallet you left the 'theif' sweating with some sort of witty comment like "Pick this" before 60's chopping him over a barrier and back down the crowded stairs?
Or was it more a mumbled "git" whilst walking away and clearly out of ear shot, the true british way?
PS - Saints slipped into the relegation zone last night, are Delhi Utd any good? I need a new team.............
Rois Again
Dad, I keep meaning to tell you about the palm-reading - I'll get it up here over the next few days. And hope last night was fun! xxx
Hi all! Tried to get photos and vids up again, but still not working. Will try in next town. Glad you arrived in Ireland well Mum - no Derry 'hohoho' stories?! Give my love to everyone.
Glad you all enjoyed Magoo - I tried to call him 'Jennifer' in order to forge a close relation between us, but after he chose to canter across the dunes, he was plain old magoo to me! Plus he was covered in flies and often felt it only right to stop, and rub his head on MY knee?! Fun fun!
James across the road in an Ice Cream palour, I'm off to join him. Heading south through Goa over the next few days. Love to all xxxx
Mum Mcg
Hi from Buncrana!
Just arrived in Buncrana for a few days and enjoyed latest blog. Well done on recovering the wallet, James. Goa sounds great. Get working on those tans! Hi from Granny and all the O'Ds. More soon.
Mum XX
Magoo the camal.....hillarious!!! So glad to hear you are having a fantastic time. Goa looks beautiful. Hope you are both well.... miss you more at work everyday rois!